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Old 10-24-2006, 10:27 AM
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LisaM LisaM is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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on Thursday out of no where I started getting kind of a slight burning shockish type sensation in my left wrist/lower arm (below the elbow)..It wasnt anything horrible, very tolerable, but at the same time uncomfortable...It would come and go for about 15 mins...Then it went away..Saturday it happened again, same symptoms, same area...Lasted about the same amount of time, give or take a few mins...I massaged the area, and that seemed to help it give...Sunday night when I was finally able to get to bed and try to sleep, my body felt like it was going haywire!! I had the burning/stinging/shock like sensations all over!! From the back of my neck, shoulder, cheek, right leg/foot, right arm/wrist, middle of my back..Felt like a pinball machine, if that makes any sense?!? The pain subsided after about 15-20 mins...Today (Monday) Ive been alright for the most part, yeah pain here on differnet limbs of my body, kind of like Sunday night, but not as intense!!! So is this something I should be concerned about? What do you all think? Could it possibly be spreading? If so, can it spread that fast, and to so many different places of the body? I am taking my Nerurontin as prescribed and going to my therapy appts as I should.
Hi Hon...I wouldn't contribute the zapping to spread just yet. I get the zings and the muscle spasms (which go away with massage) like you do as well. Sometims it's caused by the RSD, sometimes by RLS (which I have in my whole body as a result of the RSD) and sometimes it can be a side effect of medication. Now, I like the site called and I just went there and looked up neurontin and LACK OF ABILITY TO SLEEP is one of the side effects that many people have with neurontin.

I went to the website for you, and have copied and pasted below some of the things that people posted that "sounded" kind of like what you are experiencing. You may want to go there yourself and review what other people have said. NOW...this is a "wonder drug" for some people with RSD. I do NOT want to sway anyone AWAY from neurontin. Some people respond differently to different medications, and some people are better able to handle the side effects differently than others. I myself was on neurontin, and chose to PERSONALLY go off of it cuz i didn't liek the side effects. Some people don't mind them, or they aren't as bad, or are different, and they get great relief from the neurontin. So if anyone is reading this, and your doctor wants to try you on neuronting, please do NOT say no, just because you are reading this. If you go to there are also a ton of people that neurontin has HELPED. It reacts differently for different people, so please, do not read this and take it as neurontin not helping you.

for the OP, please read below and keep in mind it could very well be that the neurontin is having this affect on you. Just because it's not listed as a side effect on the pharmacy insert doesn't mean it's not a side effeect. That's why I like this site. It's REAL PEOPLE talking about how the medication affected them, rather than a drug company. So without chattering on and is the copy/paste:

I couldn't believe this when I read it here...but, someone who gave this a "1" rating said the bottoms of their feet hurt! The bottoms of my feet hurt, too. And it started the a few days after I started the medicine; I thought it was my shoes, but my feet have been hurting for 2 months straight and it's not my shoes; I would have never linked it to neurontin.

mild vibration sensation in my body/head.

muscle pain, find myself clenching my fists,

severe pain in back of neck, migraine like symptoms, shoulder ache

muscle weakness etc.

Profuse sweating and discomfort if Not taken every 8 hours.

severe hand tremors.

edgy and nervous inside. I have this feeling that I'm crawling in my own skin and want to get out!

slight wooziness & prickly feeling,

tingling in leg,

Terrible pain in the joints of all my fingers, terrible pain in my knees, and also in all of my toes.

increased joint and muscle pain, bottoms of my feet are killing me since I started taking it, Have had RSD for 1 1/2 years and see no difference in pain in arm but extreme pain in places I never had it before

The drug brought on skin pain-- like open sores.

Also found I had increased body aches

pain in feet,

Pain escalated severely. Added pain where there was none before Neurontin. Confusion. All kinds of mental/mood/sleep problems that were NON EXISTANT prior to taking.

ntensified the burning in my arm and hand..and now have major pain in other arm and hands

worsening of neuropathy by a factor of 100 if i miss a dose

Caused distal weakness (hands, wrists, feet, ankles become inanimate and curl up like a quadrapalegic),
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