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Old 10-24-2006, 04:17 PM
cj47413 cj47413 is offline
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cj47413 cj47413 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Smile Update on cj47413

Hi Everyone!

This is a long message. I have broken up the paragraphs as much as possible because I know how hard it is to read really long paragraphs.

I am a 48 year old African American female living in the western WA area.

Well it has been a long time since you heard from me. My last postings were at least 7 or 8 months ago. At that time, I could not walk more than ½ a block. I had every symptom you can think of including;

• Tremors
• Spasms
• Beestings
• Severe vertigo
• Severe fatigue
• Severe pain
• Blurred vision
• Balance issues
• Memory and speech issues
• Inability to sleep
• Migraines
• Bladder and Bowel Control issues
• Constant falling and stumbling
• Dragging one or the other leg
• Raynauds
• Vertigo 24/7
• Unable to drive for 6 months
• Weight gain of 85 pounds (max out at 253)
• Extreme stress caused by everything above
• Etc,etc,etc……….

No doctor would take me seriously. The only diagnosis I could get was one for sleep apnea. I was given a CPAP machine that caused far more harm than good. I’ll explain further down.

A very nice lady from British Columbia, Canada suggested I try LDN. I cannot remember her name but after looking through the list of members Lady Express 44 if it is you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! You told me not to give up. You told me to find a doctor who would take me seriously. Well, I took all of your advice and here is the update on my condition.

I went on the LDN site and asked Brenda for a list of doctors in my area who were willing to work with LDN. She sent me a private e-mail with the information. Sadly, very few doctors are even aware of LDN.

I found a doctor in the WA state area who uses both Eastern and Western medical philosophy. He believes the patient knows their body better than any doctor ever could. Granted he wasn’t cheap and my medical insurance did not cover the service, (thank God for credit cards) but he listened perform several tests and made the diagnoses of probable MS. He also diagnosed low thyroid. Ironically, I had been asking doctors for 3 years about my thyroid levels and they always said they were within range. Liars! The first sign was that my body temperature was never above the 97.0 rate.

I started on a combination of 3.0 LDN and 10 mg. C-Aminopyridine, both compounded pharmaceuticals. I also began taking the following vitamins. NOTE: These are not the exact names or vitamin vendors. If anyone wants to know the exact names feel free to e-mail me. Please be advised they all have to be prescribed and distributed by a doctor.

Multiple Vitamins
Extreme Greens
Westhroid – non synthetic thyroid medicine
3 Other herbal medicines including a natural nighttime sleep supplement.

Within approximately 4 days, yes I said days, I noticed a huge difference. The spasms, beestings, pain, migraines and fatigue seemed less severe. The night time supplement was actually helping me to achieve a decent night sleep.

After one month he changed the dosage for LDN to 4.5. That is where I have been for seven months. He has increased my level of thyroid medicine.

How can I say it……. I am back!!!!!! I am literally a new person. I feel better than I have in the last 10 years. The ultimate sign for me was the day I went to a large shopping mall ( I drove) and my very healthy friend asked me to slow down because I was walking too fast. Me, the one who either did not even bother to go or had to sit down every few steps.

Because I am able to move around more I have lost 51 pounds so far. I have another 35-40 to go. And for the first time in 3 years I am actively looking for a job.

NOTE: The misdiagnosed sleep apnea and subsequent CPAP machine caused a major brain injury that I will have for the rest of my life. Of course, I can’t prove it was the machine but the timing of the onset of the 24/7 vertigo is too close to be a coincidence.

The pressure from the machine caused the bone in my temporal lobe that regulates what sound, air etc passes from one ear to the other to collapse. Most likely my bone was weak from birth.

I was given two options, a very dangerous and invasive open brain surgery to replace the bone or medication to help the symptoms. Needless to say I took the medication.

LDN may not work for everyone but it in conjunction with the c-aminopyridine has been a lifesaver for me. I don’t know how long it will last and I don’t care. I will take whatever I can get.

However, when I get stressed out about life, or a life event that is out of my control, some of the symptoms return. This is perfectly natural. How can I say it better, Stress kills!

I wish everyone the best and I will continue to read and pray for all of you and keep in touch with updates.

There is hope! Believe in yourself and don’t let any doctor tell you that you do not know your own body.

Love and Big Hugs,
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