Thread: Selling on eBay
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Old 06-13-2008, 02:09 PM
Kitt Kitt is offline
Grand Magnate
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Kitt Kitt is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Arrow Entwhistle, etc.

I googled information on Entwhistle. There is much on him but a short version of what I found. He was a jobless computer programmer from England. (So you know he knew how to use the computer to get what he wanted).

He hosted a pornographic website that offered to make people millionaires in return for upfront payments. This was separate from eBay. Then he moved porn thru different eBay ID's. They aren't sure if his wife was also involved in this.

You do not have to accept a second chance offer. eBay does not say that you have to accept a second chance offer. If indeed it said that, it was probably a scam. And, granted some are scams. I have gotten lots of second chance offers and that's just normal. Some I've accepted and some not. Only if I want the item do I accept it. Numerous second chance offers have been used on items I sell. Some accept and some do not. It doesn't matter to me.

I do not bid on items I might want that the starting bid is more than I want to pay or the shipping and handling cost isn't realistic. If the shipping cost isn't listed, I either ask about it or just don't bother with it and go on to another.

And, as you know, you do not get feedback for items you do not win. It's only after a successful completion of a transaction that you get feedback.

I have seen where a seller's ID was hijacked and the person who did it was selling porn - blatantly. Also, I was hijacked by someone selling an expensive motorcycle and they spared no expense on the listing fees. I reported it to eBay and it was taken care of quickly.

eBay is all over the world and so you are going to get some of this stuff as a seller. Maybe not often but it certainly can happen. As a buyer, of course you do not have to worry as much.

Just my experience and thoughts.


"It is what it is."
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