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Old 10-26-2006, 03:10 PM
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Default Acupressure Technique Alleviates Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Acupressure Technique Alleviates Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

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While researchers are studying proteins in the brain in an effort to find a cause and ultimately a cure for Parkinson’s Disease (PD), people are finding relief from their PD symptoms with a simple do-it-yourself acupressure technique (EFT). In 40 hours of live seminars, EFT founder, Gary Craig demonstrates how this simple acupressure procedure alleviates symptoms associated with most serious diseases.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB via PRWeb) October 18, 2006 -- While researchers search for elusive causes and cures to serious diseases, people all over the world are using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to reduce and eliminate their disease symptoms. EFT is a do-it-yourself acupressure technique that anybody can use to provide relief from the physical and emotional symptoms associated with diseases like Parkinson’s.

It involves fingertip tapping on select acupressure points while focusing on the symptom in question. EFT claims an 80% success rate in calming symptoms associated with serious diseases. It can be learned without cost by downloading the free EFT Manual at

Researchers recently discovered that the development of abnormal clumps of protein in the brain may contribute to symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Their goal is ultimately to develop drugs to hinder the development of these proteins. Another study links exposure to pesticides with a 70% higher risk of developing PD.

According to the theory behind EFT, a major and often overlooked cause of diseases are the unresolved emotional issues and a disrupted energy meridian system (Chi or Qi). When emotional issues are resolved using EFT, physical symptoms associated with serious diseases have been shown to clear, sometimes immediately and often permanently.

Gary Craig, the Stanford-trained engineer who developed EFT, demonstrates on-camera how EFT calms symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Dave Rogan, a gentleman who attended an EFT workshop, was hoping for relief from his symptoms of PD, COPD, asthma double vision and neurogenic bladder.

While Craig worked with Dave on stage in front of a seminar audience of 400 people, Dave’s Parkinson’s tremors faded to nothing within just moments of EFT tapping. Craig explains, “Dave was a great example of how unresolved emotions show up in our bodies as illness. As you see on film, as soon as we mentioned Dave’s abusive father, his tremors were so strong that they were visible on camera. A few moments of tapping stopped the tremors.”

Three months later, in another on-camera EFT seminar, Dave demonstrated significant improvement when he worked with Craig on stage. His demeanor changed, he said he was happier and more able to find the fun in life, his tremors remained at bay, his double vision had cleared and his breathing had improved.

To witness Dave’s on-camera EFT sessions, the combined set of DVD’s , which contains 40 hours of instruction and demonstrations, costs only $72 at

Dave had been on what he described as “a complicated schedule of medications”, taking at least 15 different meds that caused horrible side effects. His physicians predicted he would die with or without the drugs so he stopped taking all medication. Accordingly, he was drug-free when he participated in the EFT seminars, so could not attribute the easing of his symptoms to drug therapy.

The mission of the American Parkinson Disease Association is to "ease the burden and find a cure". While EFT doesn’t claim to cure any diseases, a decade of reports of people finding relief from symptoms associated with serious diseases are testament to this simple do-it-yourself technique as easing the burden. Craig makes the EFT Manual available at no cost in an effort to help people who have been diagnosed with an illness.

Dr. Eric Robins, a California physician uses EFT in his medical practice. He says, “I would recommend all patients, when given a new diagnosis of anything, first ask themselves questions like: a) what unresolved issues exist in my life that may be contributing to this disease, and b) what kinds of things am I stressing myself out over. The best technique to address these issues and to clear them out of the body is EFT.

Over 350,000 people have downloaded Craig’s free training manual and another 10,000 download it each month. Known as The EFT Manual, it has been translated by volunteer practitioners into nine languages. The EFT website is the fifth most actively visited natural health site in the world.

The EFT Manual gives anyone all the basics so they can apply it right away. It can be freely downloaded at…

For further information contact Gary Craig at 707-785 2848
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