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Old 07-03-2008, 11:14 AM
houghchrst houghchrst is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
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15 yr Member
houghchrst houghchrst is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 379
15 yr Member

I think one of the big things with my son's GI problems and him holding it, which he did admit to doing, was being at school and not wanting to have a bowel movement at school, or being in public, say at the mall, being at a friends, or on the game and not wanting to get up and go so he would hold it. Even when he was little we had problems with that. It was a major hurdle for potty training. I had gone so far as to make an appt. with a pediatrician and she told me to ignore it. When he "had an accident" just very quietly and calmly clean him up, change his clothes and say nothing regarding the incident and within a little over a week there was 360* turn around.

I am currently having trouble with my youngest too. He was on a course of Miralax because he was saying it was too painful. So he began to hold it which is a vicious cycle. He is now 7. Is it me? What am I doing wrong? We have just started grounding the youngest from game days (video games) which for a little bit every other day. The youngest admits that he is too "busy" playing and does not want to get up and go. He is apologetic and it goes in stages where he does good for a week or two then starts having "accidents" again. Where does that stem from? It is not like he doesn't get a lot of attention. We are a big cuddly, loving family. He doesn't know about big brother because big brother pretty much stays with his grandma.

Wow does this ever sound like a "how do you feel about your mother" therapy session lol.

Chemar thank you so much for the info. I will definitely check out the links. He doesn't have a problem making friends but I do feel that the social life at school and all of the activity really make it hard for him to concentrate no matter how much Concerta they put him on.

Mrs. D I am all over the holistic healing and I think it is far underutilized especially in this country, but everybody knows big pharma has the medical community, plus in their pockets. I have had a few doctors make comments to me almost as an aside as though they were afraid I was going to announce to the world my doc said this. Most of them were middle eastern. The U.S. is so far behind in this area. It is sad because we really could safely treat and possible cure so many conditions. But alas as usual it is all about the not so holy dollar. Which unfortunately for me I have almost none of. Are you at all familiar with Truehope? One of my son's teacher's believe it or not sent me an email, when I had emailed him regarding my son's condition and asked for some extra credit work, with a link to the site saying that his family has used their site and other things and found it to be very helpful. Now that I look back I should have turned him in. Stupidly I must have erased the email because now I can't find it.

Ok I babble on again.

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