Grand Magnate
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The "X" is silent. Pronounced "Oui".
Posts: 3,578
Grand Magnate
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The "X" is silent. Pronounced "Oui".
Posts: 3,578
Obviously this guy in rehab hasn't reached HIS bottom yet.
Personally, I don't believe in rehab. I think people go into rehab FOR other people and not for themselves. Forget Outpatient rehab, what a joke that is.
He is an Alcoholic Period. He has to want to stop for HIS Own reasons not for reasons fed to him by others.
It's nice that people love him and care about what's happening to him but really that has nothing to do with the little person inside his body who CRAVES Alcohol. That little person is calling all the shots as long as he drinks. His little voice is louder than anyone outside him.
Let this guy fall. Leave him alone. Stop giving him advice, he isn't going to listen anyway. You are just wasting your breath. HE has to come to this decision on his own BY himself. If he does drink himself to death it's not his fault, he is an Alcoholic. Like I have said before, there are some people who just never get it, they can't grasp the concept of "Just don't drink TODAY".
If you do speak to him again just ask him: "Can you go ONE day without a drink?" See what he says. Pouring alcohol down his throat IS the problem. Stop that and things will improve. Things are just so much worse DRUNK.
I will add in case you didn't read this before, I am in my 16th year of Sobriety and I drank for 20+ years daily. So I DO know what I am talking about.