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Old 09-05-2006, 12:57 AM
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OMG I don't understand the question! It may be that the pizza hut delivery guy was so late that they discounted my 2 large pans to $8 (1 1/2 hrs after I ordered it and was STARVING, and then there's the ice cold icehouse brew that I just found tucked away in the frig to quence my thirst from the 8 slices of salt I wolfed when they arrived, but here goes....sort of.

I don't like political labels. Some do and feel very comfortable in their molds, but for myself I am an individualist. More so the older I get. I guess I feel more confident in marching to the different drummer I've followed my entire life.

I seldom agree with one side or the other, and usually find a middle ground from both points of view. I don't mind criticism...I may learn something for free (even better).

Name calling and passive aggressive BS, irritates me to no end. I guess I'm too perceptive and it's hard to slide that crap by me.... I've been known to be wrong about first impressions, but I follow my instinct and it serves me pretty well.

I think the USA is on very dangerous ground. The current administration has for the most part undone all the gains from the outpouring of sympathy from other nations, and as a citizen, I feel like the laughing stock of more mature nations. Cowboy mentality is destroying all the credibility we painstakingly gained throughout our history. One can only hope the next administration has a tad bit more class and brains.

Terrorists are gaining more supporters from our ever present blunders in the war on terror. Abu Grahib, etc. I believe it will take years (if ever) to renew the respect we once had from our allies.

I believe the american media spoon feeds us agenda dribble and like idiots, we suck it down at the water cooler. "freedom fries?". We are a nation of idiot slogans. Hard to believe, but I STILL get stupid email forwards of that crap. lol.

My husband used to watch Bill O'Reilley on Faux news. I had to leave the room. Eventually, he saw ole bill for the blowhard he is, so now we can watch the news together again It's hard when the current world situation makes it difficult to agree even within your own home. Everyone seems to be at each others throats over all this crap. They want to label you a conservative or a traitor. Little middle ground.

I hate to admit if, but I agree with many of the arguments by american bashers. I am embarassed to admit I am an american in its present state. Other countries are having similar troubles, yet I am not familiar with their politics or demographic issues.

Obviously we have some very ****** off muslims out there. How did they get into their present state, when their religious fight has been ongoing since Issac and Ishmael parted ways. They had things to say and they were discounted as radicals. People are listening now aren't they?

Sad to say, but I seldom meet a free thinker (or thinker for that matter) IRL in America. Even fewer doers. That's why I find the internet very gratifying. People aren't afraid to say what they really think, under the cloak of a screen name.

Sorry, I have no label for myself. During the last election I would have to say I was a blue stater lol. I know when elections come up I will vote out encumbents.... that's my agenda... at the moment anyway.

If I totally misunderstood the question(s) then I apologize, but thanks for asking them! I love a good debate even if I don't have a clue what the topic is
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