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Old 07-27-2008, 02:16 PM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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as for Me, well, I'm getting over some stomach bug that i either caught from some imitation crab meat thing that I ate a few days ago, or god only knows where I picked this up from.

I had a fever of 101 point something two days ago. I haven't had any temp in over 8 years. With all the supplements I take, I'm surprised at how this hit me.

I had no real warning. No cramps to speak of, no diahrreah. I just had this HUMUNGOUS bowel movements (on the day of the Wounded Warrior march).

I take my benefiber on a daily basis and I go every day. With no problem.

That day, I got up and WENT LIKE I HAVE NOT GONE ....well, like I have never gone in my life. No liquid, no soft, just regular stuff BUT OH MY GOD.

I said "oh, it must be the combination of the benefiber and a small dose of the PlumSmart Light.

Well, two hours later, I did it ALL OVER AGAIN. I said "holy cow, I really don't eat that much so WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM. Felt fine by the way, hadnt' got the fever yet.

So I go out with Alan to the Wounded Warriors March. We get there (2 blocks from my home), and I take one look at Alan and he goes 'uh oh, what's wrong??" and I said "well, I have to go to the bathroom again"

He said "you just went" and I said 'see ya".

I go home, and BAM. Same thing. I looked at what I did and said "this is not humanly possible in one day. No diarreah, no liquid. Just pipes. BUT OH MY GOD.

It's like I felt I could have gone for a colonscopy if you all know what I mean. That's how empty I got.

I then felt fine, and went back to Alan and we stayed there for some time.

That night I didn't feel good. I felt achy and I felt my face and I said 'oh my god, I think I have a fever". Sure enough it was over 101.

I said "alan I have a temperature". He said "go to bed". I took two tylenol, and 1 hour later it was down to almost normal.

Since then, all I have is gas in my stomach, (haven't gone to the bathroom again (I mean, WHAT IS LEFT IN ME TO GO????)

It's now the 4th day, I have gas and I thought I would go but no. I have no cramps, just gas. No more fever. I'm just exhausted.

I spoke to my cousin who is an RN and I told her what happened and she said "You got a stomach bug, it's either bacterial, or viral, watch the fever part of it".

there is no more fever part of it. She was worried about my sugar (It had gone up to 275 on the night of the fever). she told me that people with diabetes have to be careful when they have infections. I knew this.

So I've been doing the tea and toast, and sleeping. Since I NEVER sleep during the day, I know that I have some bug in my system.

I'm much better than I was two days ago, but two days ago even with the 101, I wasn't sick. I walked around, I was a bit achy, with a bit of stomach discomfort, but I never grabbed my stomach and went OH MY GOD, like I did when I was 24 and I caught some stomach flu. God the diahrrea I had THAT TIME was terrible.

But no diahrrea this time. Just a temp of 101, and in one day I went to the bathroom enought for the people in my state.

Good Lord. lol

But for the past 2 days, normal temp and just a bit of gas. I'm staying in and resting.

It's a hurricane outside so thankfully we're not going ANYWHERE.

My cousin said she thinks the imitation crab meat I bought could have been contaminated or something like that. It's not real crab but it's pollack and whitefish and she says that fish is usally the culprit.

I never knew this.

I guess I'll never know for sure.




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