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Old 07-28-2008, 08:13 PM
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Default Need some imput on my fever.

THIS IS LONG AND I APOLOGIZE. and if I'm not supposed to put topics like this on this board than go right ahead and delete this. I don't want to offend anybody.

On July 24, (I had been on benefiber for about 2 weeks and doing just fine).
On the morning of July 24, I went to the bathroom as if I had eaten half of Pittsburgh. NO DIARRHEA. Just regular stuff BUT LOTS OF STUFF.

An hour later, same thing happens. I say to myself 'maybe it's the half a cup of Plumsmart light (in addition to the Benefiber that I had been taking )that made me go like this??"

I also take one stool softner in the a.m. and one before bed time. Alan's nurse told me to do this because during the month of June, I had bad constipation problems. But after the benefiber and stool softeners, no more problems (I even made a video).

BUT!!! along comes July 24. So by 11 a.m. I had gone 2 times, felt perfectly fine.

Now let me tell you what I had been eating the day or two before. I had bought some Imitation Crab meat salad (not with Mayo). I then bought myself a package of Imitation Crab Meat that had been on sale.

I mixed it with the store bought Imitation Crab salad and there was one BIG salad in my refrigerator. With accompanying mushrooms, little grape tomatoes, and diced celery.

I had a bowl for lunch and a bowl for dinner on July 23rd.

On July 24, I went to the bathroom like crazy BUT NOT DIARRHEA. No pain in belly, no nothing. Just lots of bathroom stuff. And not continually running to the bathroom.

I went one BIG TIME at 10 a.m. and 1 more BIG TIME at 11 a.m.

I figured I was done for the day and felt perfectly fine.

Alan and I go the Wounded Warriors March at 2:30. At 3 p.m. I told Alan,
I Have to go home".

I run home, go to the bathroom one more time. BIG STUFF. No diarrhea.

I finish, and go back and joined him. FELT FINE. It was hot so I drank my water.

The next morning I was absolutely exhausted. I told myself. "my god, look how much you went to the bathroom yesterday. I also did not take benefiber nor a stoof softener. I told myself "what for, you just emptied out everything".

Well, all day I was out of sorts, joints ached (they do when the weather changes, so no mystery there). I had gurgling in my stomach. I thought. Wow, the benefiber I've been taking, is really acting in my stomach. My stomach on that day did not feel right. Lots of gurgling. But no more bathroom. I honestly don't think I had anything left in my system.

And I had not taken any more benefiber after July 24th.

At exactly 6 p.m. on July 25, I felt my face and it felt warm. I took my thermometer and did it orally. It said 101.5. (I now know that it's one point higher if you do it orally). I did not know this when I took my temperature.

So I said to Alan, "I have a fever, it's 101.5" He said "go and lay down". I just felt tired, nothing hurt me, no upper body anything, cough sore throat, NOTHING.

I went to sleep after taking two tylenol. The next morning, I again took it orally and it was 99. Not really, because it was by mouth, so it was actually 100 right?

So I stayed in and ate very light. No benefiber, Just lots of water and tea. My sugar was normal in the a.m. but high in the p.m.

I told myself "okay, you have some kind of infection or bug, that's why your sugar is high". I ate light, my sugar went back down. Took my temp. It said 98.6 and I said "hurray it's normal". I really did not know that oral means your temperature iis one point higher.

I still did not take benefiber any more. But I did do the stool softener at night. Just in case. I took my temp last night. Orally. and it was almost 100. I said "oh shoot", I do have something in my gut.

So from July 24 to yesterday July 27, that's 3 days. I knew I had to go to the bathroom. I remember my mother always saying: "if you have a fever, but you don't feel hot, and you have stomach problems. IT'S YOUR STOMACH. You have to clean out your system. She always said this.

Last night I took one half cup of Magnesium Citrate Laxative (knowing it would kick in this morning and I'd go).

I wake up, felt perfectly fine. No belly pain, no nothing. Took my temperature. Normal (don't forget this is oral, so even though it says 98.6 it was one point higher (but I didn't know this at the time).

So I took myself out for breakfast, had my eggs on a roll and a cup of coffee, felt fine, came home and went to the bathroom. Normally. No big stuff, no diarreah. Felt fine all day. Drank some warm tea, ate a small salad for lunch with some grilled chicken. Sugar was high in the p.m. then I checked Alan and HIS IS NEVER OVER 80 and his was 138. That's when I thought it might be the meter. Changed meters. His was 120. He had just eaten.

He gets his sugar checked every month via part of the blood work he has done. His a1c is 4 something and his sugar number on the blood test has never ever gone over 80 or so. In all the 18 years of the various glucose tests he has had done. and he has had them ALL. He does not have any diabetic condition. This has been made certain.

So I called up the Meter company and they are replacing my meter with a brand new up to date meter. So that's a good thing.

So I went out shopping for about 40 minutes. Felt fine.

I come home and my sister in law informs me that all temperature should be taken rectally if you have a mercury thermometer (which is what I have).

So I did it and at 6:30 tonight the thermometer read 100. That's a true reading.

I feel absolutely fine. I'm not tired. I'm cool to the touch.

So what is wrong with me? Do you think I got some bacterial thing from the crab meat and it got in my gut and that's why I had the fever on July 25th.

I really do feel fine. I'm not dizzy, no nausea. I had a good appetite for lunch and dinner. I'm drinking my water.

Why do I have this 100? Is this considered a temperature?. A low-grade fever? The last time I had a long running fever was when I came home from my gall bladder surgery. I had a fever for a few months. Always 100.

I just want to get your input before I go and call my doctor. What do I tell him. I feel fine but I had a fever of 102 last week and now it's 100 but I feel fine.

Honestly, I dont' know what to make of this.

How long do these THINGS run it's course?

I'd really appreciate some of your expert fever knowledge here.

Thanks much


So to sum it up. Been running a fever of about 100 since after July 25, no diarrhea, no belly pain, no nothing. The first day of the fever I slept a few hours. I never do that. But not yesterday and not today.




Last edited by MelodyL; 07-28-2008 at 10:06 PM.
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