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Old 11-01-2006, 10:26 PM
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Default Hi Tracy!!

I''m so sorry to hear about the hospital trip and the pleurisy. I have a friend from high school who had it and she said it was excruciatingly painful!!

I remember my own feelings of relief from the pain in my arm and hand the moment I came to after surgery and I remember telling the nurse attending me I thought I'd died and gone to heaven !! It was such a wonderful moment!! For the first time in 3 years, no pain!! I was ecstatic!!

When I went home I slept in the recliner for the first week as lying flat was unbearable, and I think I am pretty tough when it comes to handling pain; but I was in agony when laying down flat, and felt like I couldn't breathe!!

I used my little breathing machine to strenghthen my lungs, as they told me to, and that too was very painful and difficult for me. It was a good 3 weeks before I could breathe without intense pain. It was several months before I could breathe almost normally. I have asthma, so possibly that had something to do with it. Also, The surgeon did nick my pleura, and that might have contributed to my difficulty as well.

I still don't have my full breathing capacity, and have to stop for air more frequently than before. But I don't care!! It's worth it to not have that searing pain, or the swelling any longer! And I too, can hold things now that I couldn't before... as long as I don't over do! The minute I drop a pen, or hair brush or spoon I change hands or quit! I have learned that for my body, when I push myself I pay for it ten fold the next day and usually for days after. It really isn't worth it to me to suffer and hurt like that!! And, Dr.Ellis says it can delay or even prevent recovery, so I listen to his warnings and try to do what I have been told!!

The 7th of November will be my 1 year anniversay since the surgery, and I will be celebrating on that day!! I am still recovering but I am thrilled and grateful for having had the opportunity to have it done and to be relieved of the tremendous suffering I had experienced before the surgery.

The only thing I can think of to offer as encouragement is... listen to your body, and don't push yourself. (Please re-read my posts to your initial question to save me having to re write ) I think everyone heals at different rates, and it is important for you to not put a time frame on your healing process based on someone elses. Jeez! Your'e the only person I 've heard of who has had both sides done at once, so you will be educating all of us soon!!

Hopefully you will have a strong support system of people who realize that you have had very serious operations that will require an extended amount of recovery time, possibly even years, and there is a possibility that it won't be a 100% recovery. (My Dr. told me my recovery chances were 70% with a definite career change and no desk jobs, or bending or lifting, or using my arms.... mmmmm, so what else is there ??) I was told that even though I'd had surgery, I stilll have a "condition" that makes me very susceptible to re-injury and therefore requires life style changes.

You will be the only one who knows your new body's limitations. And you have to be the one who tells everybody... P.t.'s, Dr.s, dh's, kid's, friends, etc. etc, what your limitations are. At least that is what my Dr.'s and pt. have told me and that has been my experience.

I hope that maybe something I have shared will be helpful to you, and I will pray that your body will continue to heal and be better than ever!!

Best wishes and very careful hugs!!
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