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Old 09-05-2006, 05:56 PM
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Thanks for sticking up for clouds Kathy. I thought we hashed that bossy crap out on other threads... oh well.

Oh the drama. FEEEEL the force of the Dark Side, you know you want to give in to it, come over to us while you still have a chance.
LOLOLOL. yep. Imaskeered now!

Kathy, I know exactly how you feel about discussing your beliefs and fears with ppl that understand your condition. We too have seen it coming for years. It certainly has escalated in recent years, where our questioning of the direction the US is going is more mainstream than ever.

I can't imagine the flareups you must go thru over concern for your child. That takes more strength than I have. I'm continually amazed at the remarkable strength of so many here as they live with disease day in and out.

Thank you for your fine example, reminding us all that our lives are more than the sum of our illnesses. There is nothing worse than to be treated like a handicap by those that claim the same. We lack abilities because of our illnesses, but we are live, thinking, feeling human beings.

keep em coming clouds. I LOVE your spunk!
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