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Old 11-03-2006, 12:07 AM
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Hey Mark.

I shouldn't laugh but your post had me in stitches - you could write comedy scripts with that speaking programme, no sweat!

So well, you could drag out the grass skirt and coconut bra, then stop off at a clown shop for the shoes. Oh, and you can pick up a big curly wig there, too - pink? or orange?. Just watch out they don't look up that skirt while you're climbing ladders, might give the game away

But...I'm stunned. Hopping, skipping, ladders, how do they know? did you have to do that in front of them??? Curious is right, jumping through's, it's, it's....incredible!!!

Know what? Shades of the Topomax adventure rear in front of me. Maybe we can all send you to Sweden, go get that big shiny car of yours, we can start you off on the journey. Maybe we can come with you...Can you get there by Hong Kong - I think you can...if you go from the West Coast, pick up Debbie and the others...then you'd pass through Hawaiiiiii too..anyone for Sweden?? methinks a plan is hatching ..... Yes! Are we off???

take care, all the best.
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