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Old 08-21-2008, 07:28 AM
Pamster Pamster is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Pamster Pamster is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
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15 yr Member
Crazy Wow am I excited!

Jackie is doing well first off, school is going well and he had no trouble making the transition to 6th grade. He hasn't been as aggressive as he was over summer, but that's because he's not here like he was over summer, he doesn't have the time to work up to being so bored he has to act out to entertain himself.

Well what's got me majorly excited on one hand and kinda down on the other is I begun a new Physical Therapy specially designed for Amputees. It's called "Mirror Therapy" and it's basically putting a mirror down between my leg and stump and angling it so it looks like I have two legs again to fool my brain into repetively seeing the left leg moving WITHOUT PAIN so it can make fresh neural pathways to use instead of the choppy ones from the past where it was basically amputated in the accident 21 yrs ago.

I go in again today and I am telling them it evoked some feelings I was kind of expecting, the feelings about why did I have to lose my leg, why am I disabled, basically self-pity ones that I hate, but have to deal with because they ARE there deep inside. I can't believe how it was when I squinted my eyes a bit, that seemed to help make the ghost leg of mine interact with the illusion of the left leg we were projecting. I was amazed and definitely had less pain yesterday.

So that is what I've been up to. Working on myself with this book the therapist recommended Codependent No More, and preparing for the therapy I just began yesterday. I wanted to check in and let you all know things are a bit better, but still not where I want them to be. Have a great day everyone!
I love my family, my friends, (this means YOU!) my cat, my nails, my Necchi sewing machine and my turtle!

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