Thread: Question???
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Old 11-07-2006, 08:51 AM
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LisaM LisaM is offline
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Well, I know Jewells is very passionate about the SCS, and many times does not post her feelings about it because of past "blastings" she has received when she HAS. Therefore, she just stays out of it when a poster asks for opinions/advice about the scs. To Jewells, that scs has basically saved her life...made it possible for her to HAVE a life. Without it, she couldn't even get out of bed in the morning. It's something she wishes she could say on the board, but holds back because she doesn't feel her opinion is welcome. That's at least something she has said in the past.

And I've been there before...maybe not HERE, but on other boards. Having something to say, a differing opinion than the "majority," but not wanting to 'ruffle feathers' or not wanting to have to defend my position cuz I just don't have the ENERGY to do I just don't post it. And it STINKS. ESPECIALLY if it's on a board like THIS because as we always say, everyone's body is DIFFERENT, and what works for one person, may not work for another, and vice versa. So when she posts about her POSITIVE results, and gets lambasted for it, the OP sees this and of course will shy away from even wanting to try it. Is that fair to Jewells, or even to the OP? No...its not. It makes Jewells feel her opinion is not valued, and it makes the OP say, "Wow...ONE person had a good response to it, but a dozen others are attacking her...maybe I should just forget it." Don't you think that's UNSUPPORTIVE? Not only to Jewells, but to the OP? I do.

I think rathr than lambasting Jewells, ppl who HAVE had the scs should post their experience FREELY...and not just people without the personal experience, but just experience based on what they've "heard" say, "Jewells, I read/heard/think that you are wrong because..." Because then it becomes a personal attack on Jewells - ppl telling her that her PERSONAL experience isn't worth as much as what they heard/read/think. It's fine to tell the OP that he/she can find research at certain websites. But give BOTH the positive AND the negative sites. Don't be biased one way or the other. Doing so ALSO makes Jewells feel she's being attacked...and also gives the OP YOUR OPINION rather than unbiased research for him/her to make their own choice.

I've seen that happen - at the old board a long time ago - up until Jewells just stopped posting about her own experience with the scs. Then, of course, there were no more arguments. Cuz the only ppl who spoke up were those who were of the SAME MINDSET.

But we aren't "yes people" here. We have a right to our own opinions...and we WILL have different experiences. I hate neurontin...but it's a LIFESAVER for some people. I have every right to post that I hated it. And I also have every right to not be attacked FOR posting that I hated it...just like those of you who love it have a right to post that it was a lifesaver for you. Unbiased, unattacking information for the OP.

I think that's all Jewells wanted. Why she couldn't get it, I don't know. I do know this is a new board, and it hasn't happened here. But perhaps she saw the scs post, and it brought all of that back...and she felt "why bother...I'll just get attacked again." And it made her think she wasn't welcome here. And truly, that's a HUGE loss for the poster who asked about it. Cuz jewells could have relayed her personal inforamtion an made a big difference.

That MAY be the issue. Who knows. I certainly don't. I haven't talked to her. Figured she was getting a zillion "are you okay" pm's so I didn't want to bother her. But I saw this before, and I also saw her stop posting afterwards. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it really bothered her. As it would ANYONE to realize your opinion is thought to be "garbage" even though what you are talking about is something you have EXPERIENCE with, and was a lifesaver for you...and certainly isn't garbage to YOU.

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