today so, so
i'm very tired. my feet hurt and my leg is killing me.
i went to the dr this am for labs etc.
my BP was up but she's not worried. i still have the pitting edema in my leg/foot. i'm going to take a diuretic for a wk with supplemental KCL (potassium).
that could also be why my BP is up. my weight is stable.
but my legs really feel weaker. i used my walker today.
she also said that about 2 wks after i start the radiation i'm going to get major fatigue. maybe i should make a big pot of chili before then and freeze it all.
i'm thinking of setting up the couch to sleep just like i did for cathy. this kid next door screams in the afternoon. also, at nite i can hardly sit in my recliner because my leg hurts so bad. maybe laying on the featherbed on the couch would be better. can't hurt to try.
she also thinks some of my leg pain may be from my back. she's going to call the pain dr and speak to him. i really don't want to do roids so it looks like i'm heading for another round of injections. and she's thinking that some of the edema could also be from the previous round of shots; releasing into my body.
oh joy. I HATE ALL THIS. ok i'm better. i'm calm. i'm going to bed.