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Old 11-07-2006, 04:53 PM
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Joselita Joselita is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Way down yonder in the Land of Cotton
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Joselita Joselita is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Way down yonder in the Land of Cotton
Posts: 231
15 yr Member
Exclamation Dang...You gave me a Shock!

Wow! Talk about a Blast from the Past! Sheesh...I had given up seeing/hearing from you ..well...ever again. sounds like you are doing good. Last I heard from you, you were almost an official globe trotter, jetting off to Alaska (!!) and what not, and doing all sorts of things. But Gee.....that was....ages ago. You still had one boy in high school, at least. Although, I am thinking that maybe both still were? Or, that your oldest had just graduated? I think that was it...your oldest had just graduated...and was starting college. I think? I has been a long while ago. I do remember that they were playing basketball. Or, at least one of them was really super big into that. Did they (he) keep on with that?

No...I have never gotten remarried. I never have really been in the market to remarry, even while I was dating Bubba. Even though he and I dated for so long. I guess that is why we lasted for so long; neither one of us wanted to get there was no pressure there. But, I just had enough of the Good Ol' Redneck Boyz, and Bubba was the stereotype for a Good Ol' Boy if there ever was one! ROFL. I still talk to him and it is all good. kids are all big and almost grown now. Meghan graduated high school last year. She is going to school at the community college this year. She decided that she wanted to go into cosmetology. It will take her two years to get certified. She is also taking some transferable core classes, "just to keep her options open in the future" as she told me. Whatever, just as long as she does SOMETHING.

Jay will graduate this year. He is in all AP Classes, and is being courted by many different schools. I swear, the boy gets more mail than I do! He has pretty much narrowed down the his options, though. Or, so I had heard....that could be different this week. You know how it goes with teenage boys. All he knows for sure is that he wants to go into either physics or aerospace engineering, and to wind up being a pilot in the Air Force. No lofty expectations for him at all, huh? ROFL

I am still getting over the shock of logging on and seeing you popped up on here! Like I said...I surely didn't expect that at all. I remember when you and that Mike fella got together and got that Faces of RSD website going. It was sad that it shut down. What ever happened to him? He is another one that just kinda disappeared and was never heard from again. It is good to hear that you have heard from Sam Yamin within the past year or so...because it has been a Looooooong time sine he has posted anywhere. I, like so many others that knew him, have feared the worst....for so very long. I wish that he would come back and visit, and let us all know how he is doing, too. Just like I wish that Vic would get his scrawny butt here already! Oh well...if wishes were horses and all of that.

Anyway...I am about to freeze my not so scrawny butt off here. We are actually warmer than we have been being, but it is very dark and deary out and the sun hasn't been out all day long. You know how it feels on those dark, damp cold days? I am chilled to the bone, and nothing for it, so I am literally shivering right now. Time to go and draw a hot bath, before the kids get home (Meghan had her short day of classes today, and got out early to boot, so she made it home by 10, but had to go to work from 12 - 4. Jay had school and then band practice, and should be getting home between 4:30 and 5) and all holy hell breaks loose around here. Good thing that Meghan and I voted this morning!

It is good to see you. There is lots of catching up to do. Lots of folks that aren't around anymore...and lots that are...and lots of new ones for you to get to know. And, a whole new place to get to do it in. How do you like this new home of ours?

Talk to you later....I really have to get up from here and try to warm up.

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