Thread: Frustrated
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Old 09-01-2008, 02:22 AM
ltassone ltassone is offline
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ltassone ltassone is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Default You will find your answer

What you described I am not sure what it could be. But I so understand. My youngest daughter is now 15 and when she was 10 and 11 she stared having some problems with school. Some very big anxiety issues about even walking through the front door. Then depression would sink in. Bouts of anger for no reason, then there would be her happy times. It took awhile but she was diagnosed with a lower form of Bipolor and Social Anxiety Disorder (mood disorder also but they tack that onto everything)! Megs is smart, beautiful and generally social in most situations. She never got into trouble in school and they were at first unable to "fit her into a certain catogegory". That was until she was 13 and tried to take some pills in attemp to kill herself. Needless to say it was a very scary situation and we thank God we had been keeping such a close eye on her. The potential for things to get worse was right there. She was hospitalized, we found a doctor who had a clue and proceeded to search for the right meds for her and the right therapist. She was such a bright and happy child we would have never guessed this would have happened to her. Right now things are going well for her and she is on the right track. But it does take a lot of work and persistence on our part to figure out what is going on with our children. You just keep pushing and go with your gut. The school has actually helped us quite a bit but I know that there are many schools out there that are not like that. When that happens there are things you can do to get the help you need. Our children have rights and one of those rights is a Child advocate to help them through this. They don't work for the school they work for your child. If you don't have an IEP (individualized educational program) fight to get one. You have any questions at all please do ask. I know how hard this is for you! This is already way long so just let me know if you want to talk more about it or for me to buzz off.....Take care. Lori T.
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