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Old 09-02-2008, 09:20 AM
houghchrst houghchrst is offline
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houghchrst houghchrst is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
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15 yr Member

Kind of got cut off in my reply because we have been having computer time wars here at home now that my son is back lol. Forever wanting to check MySpace messages lol.

I did mention to him about your daughter splitting her time between schools and because we had discussed alternative he seemed interested. He liked the alternative class but when he went the school was also split with Adult Ed, you could smell pot and cigarettes in the bathroom, his lunch kept getting stolen. Most of the kids had been expelled for crimes (like him) and it just wasn't a very good environment.

I think one of the big problems with this school is that they may not really have encountered all of this. I mean, yeah, the IEPs and special education but I am sure many parents don't fight and probably just go along with what they say or take them out and Adult Ed (which I almost did) or homeschool, I am not emotionally equipped for that.

Right now I have decided he is going to stay in school most of the time but we are going to ask for some things that they aren't going to like. They have agreed to let him test out of an English class he failed despite the fact that it is past the deadline. That was a big thing I wanted. He got a math teacher that he didn't get along with in ninth grade again this year that failed him his first year of high school so we are going to either do online at home or change teachers because he has a math teacher that will fight for him. Just some little things that could make things go better for him. Their big thing is "if we do it for your child then we have to let all the kids do it". Uh duh, you're the adults, no you don't. My child has a learning disability, now if another comes along that needs the same then yes if necessary.

My thing is that I don't know what I have a right to ask for so I am trying to get an advocate. I keep leaving messages with a particular woman and she still hasn't returned my call. She is very busy this morning so I left my third message lol.

As for the testing they did all of that, he was average, and he also had a psychological evaluation done by the courts in early 2005. I have saved everything from the last 3-4 years and keep notes of dates and phone calls, even if I just left a message.

Thanks for all the info. I am going to go read your other posts now lol.

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