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Old 09-12-2008, 05:47 PM
houghchrst houghchrst is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
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15 yr Member
houghchrst houghchrst is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 379
15 yr Member

Well I have to say that the meeting I had with the social worker blew me away. She has always been at the other meetings but there was always a bunch of us there and everyone was in a hurry so I have never really had a chance to talk to her one on one.

But first this is what is in the IEP

Extended time on classroom and homework assignments
Extended time on tests and quizzes.
He may use the academic lab to complete assignments and take tests and quizzes. (this has been changed to his benefit because this was that little bitty room with other students. Now they let him go down to the special services office where they have empty meeting rooms and he can sit quietly and do his work.)
He will have access to the same room to cool down if he becomes upset.
Extended assessment time within reason.
Frequent or appropriate supervised breaks.
Reduction in the length of some assignments within reasonable limits that still enable him to understand the classroom assignment.

That is in the written IEP. After the social worker and I had talked while my son was gone to lunch and I explained all of his health problems and getting his meds right and the possibility of GAD being an added or new diagnosis she suggests cutting his day right in half! So that he is not under too much stress!!! I was blown away. My son came in just then and said no because then he would fall too far behind credit wise. She started asking him what it is about school that affects him, how it affects him, the whole nine yards. Then we talked about the possibility of maybe just doing a partial day and then 2 online classes at home. There are a couple of people we have to coordinate for this and we are going to wait for the end of first term to see how he does.

I really couldn't believe how really caring and accommodating this woman was. She is always on campus so she will be having regular meetings with my son also. The whole dang school knows him and likes him so that works out well too.

As for the discipline folder it is not a folder but in the computer lol. I called the principal and asked him point blank where are all the complaints and infractions that my son has earned. I didn't see any and he kept asking me "you mean this year" well hell not this school season but yeah last spring if you want to get technical about this year. So he finally told me and hemmed and hawed and said I could always have access to it. Sheesh!! Like pulling teeth lol.

So far so good. All teachers have been contacted and will be getting their syllabus to me, even got a class book and some crappy done homework today for a second chance.

Now you will have to read my next thread on my son's breakdown.

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