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Old 09-19-2008, 07:29 AM
Denise R Denise R is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
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Denise R Denise R is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 28
15 yr Member
Smile hello

My name is Denise.I am 49 and married to a wonderful man who understands me and supports me.We have 4 grown kids and 1 grandson.
In 2000 I was diagnosed with RSD after a fracture to my left foot.
It was diagnosed as RSD 4 months later when I could not walk on it and the pain was well you know.... off the charts.I have had 3 blocks with worse symptoms after than before.... for me the blocks seemed to make it move from the foot to EVERYWHERE. I did have a bad reaction during the 2nd block.3rd block no reaction but no pain relief either
I joined Braintalk and followed a lot of advice from other members and put the RSD in remission for several years with only a few flare ups when I did way too much.
However now it's back not the burning pain like in the beginning but I get real bad muscle cramps) all over even if I do nothing.My husband says I have been living in denial about it and I think he's probably right. For years I looked for all kinds of things that could be causing my problems.I guess I thought I couldn't still have RSD because the burning pain went away and was replaced with cramping and aching.In the last 5 years I have been to so many doctors I lost count.I have been diagnosed with RSD, Fibromyalgia (which I dismissed immediately big mistake on my part) , Arthritis, Mitral valve prolapse,tackycardia, osteoporosis,Stomach ulcer,
IBS ( I think it's because of the meds I take) Anxiety and probably a few others I can't think of now as my memory is not what it used to be.I have off and on pain in almost every part of my body.I refer to it as stupid pain because it is there today and gone tomorrow then back again.My leg will cramp up then I rub it and the cramp moves to another site a never ending circle of cramps. I thought I must be crazy cramps don't just come and go for no reason.Then the other day I read about how RSD Spread can turn into Fibromyalgia so I thought maybe the rummy dr was right and I did have fibro too.
So here I am to get the info from the people really in the know.The people who live with it instead of the drs who just scratch their heads and give me more meds.
For several years I thought I just needed to get over it.Pull myself up by the boot straps, you know think right, act right and you will be alright.Mind over matter well I guess I am here today to admit that I need help.
RSD is here to stay and I need coping skills and friends that understand RSD and Fibro.
I live in Las Vegas it's a fun town if you feel good but just another city if you don't.It's also a hard town to make friends in everyone is so busy making money or throwing it away.Too busy for a friendship I miss friendly people.I know their are some here but they must hide away in their homes like me.It's way too hot to go out it makes the RSD and Fibro worse.
I haven't been to the forum in several years and just found this forum since I could not find the Braintalk RSD forum anymore.
I look forward to talking, learning and make friends on this forum.
I hope you are having a good day .
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
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