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Old 09-19-2008, 09:41 PM
Franny Franny is offline
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Franny Franny is offline
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Default struggling

Originally Posted by dealingwithtos View Post
Hi Everyone,

I also have RSD, even though I started out with TOS-thus my login.

But, I wanted to write to show some support for both of you. I feel like when you're in pain, it's very hard to deal with life's normal hard knocks. I know that your grandson is not a normal one, but I have to hope that it might be a little bit easier to deal with if you didn't have RSD. I know that the amount of pain that I'm in all the time makes me want to live like a hermit. Part - OK most of the reason why is that I know I'll suffer later if I do anything more than I'm already doing. I can't handle being in twice as much pain.

As for the crying spells, I think most of us can relate to that too. I go through "spells" of that. I guess "spells" of feeling sorry for myself too. It's just hard to pick yourself up and try to get through the day. With regard to losing a loved one (your dad or your grandson/daughter), it's important to cry. If you can just now cry, get it all out. Don't be afraid to cry. I was glad to hear that you were seeing a counselor regarding your dad. That's the first step and to be honest, the one that you should be talking to. He/she is the one that is qualified to help you through it. Franny, your husband may not understand what you feel as far as pain and how horribly painful it is, but please remember that he did ask. That's got to show something.... Atleast to me, it shows that he cares.

Denise, I do want to let you know that I also have a granddaughter (who is 2 months old). The parents just got evicted from their house. Neither of them work and also do drugs. It's very hard to just turn the cheek and allow these things to happen. I'm not sure I've accepted it yet. I've even taken down her pictures from my desk because I don't want to look at her every day and be upset about their situation and the fact that I can't do anything about it. We've already offered to have them move in with us. They declined. I think it's because he'll be too far away from his "homies" and his drug source. There will come a time where I will call child protective services, I know. It's just hard when they don't listen and don't want your help.

Please know that there is someone else out there that is dealing with RSD and can relate to your situation.

Good luck to both of you.
Thank you so much! You have given me food for thought! I think my husband is just a, well you know, a MAN!! Sometimes he really doesn`t know what to say and you are right, at least he asked how I felt.I am sorry about what you are going through as well as Denise! Drug abuse is rampant and I think probably more then we could ever know. You have opened your home to them in the hopes of helping them but you are right, he needs his "friends" and to hell with everybody else. I am not in your shoes but I fear for your grandbaby. You may have to call child protective services and risk losing your daughter but if something isn`t done and your grand child is in the middle of all of this you could loose her too! Remember WE have to be the voices for the children because they can`t speak for themselves. People on drugs only care about their next "fix" not getting a job and caring properly for their children. You can call with out anyone knowing it was you. Please just think about it if you feel your grandchild`s well being is in jeopardy(sp?) Your daughter may decide to turn her life around also because that "life" gets old! I will keep you in my prayers. These things you are going through, the stress, that is surely affecting the degree of pain you are suffering from! We are all here for one another and please know I care and if I could I would give you guys a great big hug! Just know you are not alone and God is near.
Thanks for being there for me!
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