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Old 09-20-2008, 01:01 AM
Denise R Denise R is offline
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Denise R Denise R is offline
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Smile Thanks form Denise

Originally Posted by dealingwithtos View Post
Hi Everyone,

I also have RSD, even though I started out with TOS-thus my login.

But, I wanted to write to show some support for both of you. I feel like when you're in pain, it's very hard to deal with life's normal hard knocks. I know that your grandson is not a normal one, but I have to hope that it might be a little bit easier to deal with if you didn't have RSD. I know that the amount of pain that I'm in all the time makes me want to live like a hermit. Part - OK most of the reason why is that I know I'll suffer later if I do anything more than I'm already doing. I can't handle being in twice as much pain.

As for the crying spells, I think most of us can relate to that too. I go through "spells" of that. I guess "spells" of feeling sorry for myself too. It's just hard to pick yourself up and try to get through the day. With regard to losing a loved one (your dad or your grandson/daughter), it's important to cry. If you can just now cry, get it all out. Don't be afraid to cry. I was glad to hear that you were seeing a counselor regarding your dad. That's the first step and to be honest, the one that you should be talking to. He/she is the one that is qualified to help you through it. Franny, your husband may not understand what you feel as far as pain and how horribly painful it is, but please remember that he did ask. That's got to show something.... Atleast to me, it shows that he cares.

Denise, I do want to let you know that I also have a granddaughter (who is 2 months old). The parents just got evicted from their house. Neither of them work and also do drugs. It's very hard to just turn the cheek and allow these things to happen. I'm not sure I've accepted it yet. I've even taken down her pictures from my desk because I don't want to look at her every day and be upset about their situation and the fact that I can't do anything about it. We've already offered to have them move in with us. They declined. I think it's because he'll be too far away from his "homies" and his drug source. There will come a time where I will call child protective services, I know. It's just hard when they don't listen and don't want your help.

Please know that there is someone else out there that is dealing with RSD and can relate to your situation.

Good luck to both of you.
Hi ,
Thanks for the response. I am so sorry about you granddaughter being around all the drugs and all that goes with it.I know you must worry about her as she is so young.I will pray for her safety I believe in angels so I will pray that her angels look after her and keep her safe.My grandson is 9 now and can tell his dad if he is not treated well that helps me a little.My grandsons father took my daughter to court to get full custody but when she showed up for the drug screen she came back clean .I heard she used a drug cover up drink.The real mess started when I caught them doing meth in my house and asked the boyfriend to move out.I gave him 30 days. I know I should have never let him move in but at first he was so very nice and had a good job and even paid us to live there.But when I asked him to move all **** broke out and she moved too.Then several days later when I picked up my grandson I noticed my daughter had a contusion on her head which moved to her eyes in 3 days her eyes black and blue + a broken blood vein in one eye. She said she had fallen in the shower but it took 30 days for the black eye,bruises and blood vein to look normal.I confronted her about being abused but she still denies it.We as a family tried an intervention but it only made things worse she blames me for the father taking her to court even tho he planed it before even telling me.I was requested to tell whether I thought she did drugs or not I could not lie to the courts. I know I have probably lost her forever.
Even though Kevin our grandson only sees us once a year he has a high IQ and is in excelerated classes (go figure both parents sure aren't) and I hope will always remember his Nana & Papaw love him.We took care of him more than 6 years.My daughter had post partum depression and so I took care of him when he was a baby he bonded to me even though I tried to get her to be more involved she would bring him to me every morning and I took care of him when she worked also.One day 3 years ago when he was 6 he asked me if his mother was an alien (this was right after they moved out) I asked what do you mean an alien he said well she stays up all night and he heard only aliens could stay up all night.It broke my heart!
If you call protective services my suggetion is to tell them you are a concerned neighbor.not a relative .Sorry so long I am from Texas and do go on a bit.Oh I also had to take down the pictures and all the craft stuff my daughter made as a kid she was the one to always make me a Mothers Day card or a picture frame.I have put them all away for now.
Soft Hugs and lots of prayers coming your way
P.S. does anyone know why crying helps I know it does but wonder why.
Does it let out more than tears a chemical maybe?A chemical that makes us hurt until its let out ? I have held back the tears all my life except those monthly crying jags when I was younger.sorry I can't even keep a P.S. short.
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