Originally Posted by gsodie
Hi Harry -- Sorry to hear about this. I have had the same problem -- and it was finally dx as Optic Neuritis by my nuero after a VEP (visual evoked Potential) --Has she had one of these?
Marg's had 3 different tests and I can't remember the names of them. The last one used a special camera to take detailed pics on the inside of her eye. Haven't got the results back on that one yet.
Is it just one eye or both? With me it was just one eye and it hurt when I looked to the left or right--and the color red was really dull out of that eye.
It's both eyes and that's why at first they weren't too sure that the problem was MS related. But the low vision doc feels strongly that her optic nerves have compensated for years even though nerve damage had occurred but now the nerves just can't handle it anymore.
Hopefully these viewing devices will give her back a little quality of life which she has lost. Just one more thing in the fight against this lousy disease.