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Old 11-14-2006, 10:35 AM
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Hi Amber,

I'm really keen to hear how it went with the chiro. I've *still* got the vertigo too. Been a little better for the past couple of days, but that happened last week and it came roaring back, so I'm not holding my breath. The spin has reduced (as of yesterday) to a stop/start spin, but movement causes a terrible lag. It's a real problem, it really is.

BUT, I'm going to be honest - and you must remember I speak entirely for myself, I have good hearing, no pain, no infection, no tinnitus, no ear history, so obviously a very different case - but I would absolutely not do anything drastic.

I've now researched vertigo more and there can be several different causes. In my case it could even be Cervical Vertigo caused by cervical spondylosis ( hope it's not) But I don't see how the ENT guy can be certain it's actually caused by your existing ear problems, rather than something else, a host of things can trigger it. Debby V's advice was absolutely on the money, by the way; though most vertigo is transient but does, often, last for weeks, six is common. It often can be relieved by manipulation - I hope the chiro can help you.

Statistically, apparently, vertigo is the second most common reason for people to visit their doctor, after back problems. Of course that covers vertigo proper, like we've got, plus dizziness as in the "I think I'm going to faint" type.

Anyway, all that doesn't really get us anywhere does it I just wanted to say hold hard before you make any drastic decisions. I've decided (being a coward) to sit out the 6 weeks before I go get checked out for other more sinister reasons - as you can tell, I'm very much of "don't think about it, hope for the best and it'll go away" school. Hah! This one's got me beat so far..still, I'll cross my fingers and carry on stumbling around till I have no choice

Well, I'm just hoping for a good result for you from the chiro, I guess...
all the best!
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