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Old 11-15-2006, 09:49 PM
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Default Hi Lisa,

Are you taking anything else like Neurontin or Lyrica for the burning/Pain?? I take Neurontin and dont know what I'd do with out it. I know that some on the forum have been through several anti-depressants before they find one that works for both the pain and depression.Cymbalta seems to be a favorite, or at leastone that came up frequently on the old forum.

Some days I feel the "I want my life back Blues" as I call them, and they are so overwhelming. I have to let myself cry and hurt, because if I don't I find myself slipping into that horrible place you are describing.

When I first brought it up on the forum, everyone here was so supportive and encouraged me to grieve for the old life, for the things I've had to give up, for the feeling of life passing me by, for feeling useless and worthless and misunderstood. It really has helped me to let go of the emotional pain. I am not one to cry, and feel like I always have to put my brave face out there for everyone else. In fact I worry more about others feelings than my own!

Dr. Ellis says that is very common with TOS'ers. Seems like the majority of them are caretakers, type A's or other types that over extend themselves until they are empty or in pain, or both. Anyway, that description fits me!

I hope that you will allow yourself to grieve the things that you are hurting over and be okay with that. I personally don't think it means you have to go to therapy right away. Maybe allow yourself some time to see if things get better, and if they don't then think about seeking help?

I am sure others will post with their thoughts and words of encouragment. In the meantime, I think you should buy a big box of chocolates!! That always works for me !!

Take Care,
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