Thread: Lesions
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Old 10-27-2008, 01:39 AM
CZZ74 CZZ74 is offline
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CZZ74 CZZ74 is offline
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Default Ali Sorry to post so late,Lesions

Originally Posted by ali12 View Post
Thank you all ever so much for replying, I truly do appreciate it.

I will definitely see a Dermatologist if the Lesions do not heal - I just always automatically seem to assume that every symptom I got is from the RSD (I guess it's natural) however I have spoke to my PT's about the Lesions and they said that they have never seen Lesions in an RSD patient before however they do feel that the Lesions are from the RSD. I was told to keep an eye on them and if they get any worse, start to spread or don't heal etc I have to let them know straight away and they will try and get me some cream or something that may help.

One of the main concerns that my mom, the PT's and myself have is that I am going into hospital this coming Wednesday (the 22nd) for a Splint making and my leg manipulated under general anaesthetic. The thing that concerns us it that with me already having Lesions, the Splint could possibly rub them and make them worse or even more painful. Thankfully the Splint is removable so if I have any problems I can take it off straight away. My PT's explained that my skin breaks really easily (probably because of the RSD) and that we will need to keep an eye on things. I will let you all know how I get on in hospital on Wednesday ... I have to be at the hospital 8.30am English time (3.30am) and I am going into the Operating Room at 9.30am. Thankfully I will just be staying in for the day!

I'm sorry that so many of you also suffer from the Lesions, I know they are no fun

Hi Ali, sorry to post so late on this, infact i thought I had posted! But I have Lesions and they are definitely rsd lesions as diagnosed by Dr. S. Mine are dreadful, extremely painful. They appear ususally first thing in the am. The most severe was on my right knee( my orginal injury leg) I am in my fifth year of RSD.
This particular one began as a lesion -so painful, even a tiny movement causing air against it could nearly cause me to black out- that stage lasted about 4 days. It was about 4 inches long and two to three inches wide, them it ulcerated. A huge dark scab that bored deep into my knee, felt like it went in two inches. it was so sore it put me in my wheelchair for a aobut 10 days, I could not bend my knee for allmost 4 months and it took 4 months for the ulcer stage to go away and the scab to disapate. The scar remains very painful and when I flare up one a day, it is a hot spot. Just like a dog! I have to try and keep a sense of humor with this! When I flare up it will turn a deep red or almost black and be extremely hot, which is unuusual as I have cold rsd. but I have severe burning with flares but freezer type burning in my feet andlegs, This burning is similar to what I have in my spine. The other lesions I have had, the wrost were - one behind my left ear, huge, swollen, red hot, took several weeks to go away, I had to pin my hair back as one piece of hair hitting it could send my whole body in to a flare up and antother very large one on my side. which looked like long fingers of blood bllisters. All have left terrible scars. I am terrified of them. I have been told there is nothng I can do to prevent them, just try to wathc stress adn not let my pain get too high. So all my meds were increased once again.
Iam now taking, Opana 80mg a day, with 30mg Oxycodone 4 times a day for breakthrough pan pllus the other usual 9 scripts. I severly limit my activities to keep them from occuring. It is very depressing. As often I feel like ding more- but if I over do and cause a flare up it result in one of these lesions now. I was told this is just part of Stage IV RSD. Sorry for the "bad news" I sincerely hope no one elses go to this stage. If anyone could tell me how to post pictures I will gladly post pictures of my lesions.Good luck Ali, CZ

Last edited by CZZ74; 10-27-2008 at 08:16 AM. Reason: spellling
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