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Old 11-21-2008, 01:25 PM
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Evonne Evonne is offline
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Location: Eastern Washington State
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Evonne Evonne is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Eastern Washington State
Posts: 169
15 yr Member
Default Hello Everybody! Update and Prayer Request..

I haven't posted in awhile because I have been so busy with my new job as a Nursing Assistant. I have been in full time training and it has been pretty exhausting. I am working evening shift so I don't get to bed until around 1:00a.m. and I am up at 6:00a.m. to get the kids to school. On a good day I try to take a little nap because five hours of sleep isn't enough to get me through the day! I have peeked in on the forum just to see what has been going on and it seems as though the board has slowed down a little bit. I imagine it has to do with the upcoming holidays. Can you seriously believe that it is almost Thanksgiving! This year has really flown by.

I have a prayer request. I think that most of you know that I have been waiting for about six months to see a very well known Movement Disorder Specialist. My appointment is on Monday, November 24th. I am praying that he is able to shed some light on my health. Mostly, either confirm a PD diagnosis, come up with a different diagnosis based on some of my symptoms that are not typically seen in PD, and pinpoint the cause of the other symptoms that my other doctor was not able to determine. One of the other doctors that I see, the D.O. that I see for my diabetes, mentioned that the shaking in my hands when I bend at the wrists looks like clonus or chorea. Clonus is sometimes seen in patient's with PD, but it is not typical. Clonus is usually related to MS . Although, the MRI of my brain didn't indicate any of the lesions that are typically seen in patients with MS. My spinal cord, however, was not checked for lesions and that might still be a possibility. Chorea is often related to Huntington's Disease, but not always. Please pray for answers and that I will be able to deal with the answers that I get in a positive way.

I have noticed an increase in symptoms, mainly a marked increase in resting tremors of my hands and slowness of movement and uncoordination in my right hand...and yes, I am right handed. These symptoms are most consistent with PD. Yet, apparently I am quite the puzzle to figure out!

Another concern is that my medication isn't working as well as it was before. It might need an adjustment, or just a complete change. I know that stress can exacerbate symptoms and that might be part of the problem. I LOVE my new job at the hospital, but being in a new environment and having so many new responsibilities is a little stressful. I hope that things will settle down once I become more familiar with the routine at work and become more confident in my abilities. I have learned so much and I really like my new job. It is a very positive environment and I am enjoying watching people come out of surgery, get better, and then go home with a fresh start. I have received positive comments from Nurses, Nurse Educators, and other Nursing Assistant's about my enthusiasm, great bedside manner, organizational abilities and communication. I feel good about all of those things. My area of weakness is time management. There is so much to do and not a lot of time when you are taking care of ten to twelve patients. The fact that I am organized really helps, but I really think that my speed will increase with more experience and then I will feel better about things.

Well, that is about all for now. I hope that you are all doing well. If you have some time, fill me in on the things that are going on in your lives.
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