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Old 12-16-2008, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by mrsD View Post
for something else before this Crohn's attack?

I ask because that can be a simple explanation. Were you tested for C.difficle infection? Stool samples?

Many years ago I had a huge attack like yours. I went to GI specialist and he had me use Metamucil. This soluble fiber acts like a sponge to absorb any nasty bacteria that may be causing this. And it worked like a charm!!

Also some food intolerances can give this terrible diarrhea.
Gluten intolerance and also fructose may do it if you have a fructose issue. All that diarrhea and you would tend to drink Coke, Gatorade, etc all composed of FRUCTOSE.

Try not having any sugar or fruit or fructose containing drinks for a week and see if it gets better. A clue may be if you had intolerance to apple juice previously? Apples and pears are very high in fructose. I can remember back NEVER being able to drink apple juice comfortably. My fructose intolerance was brewing for about 3 years, until this summer when I became very ill. I now eat no fruit, no jellies, no sweetened anything!
I am so much better-- just like a normal person!

Chemar here has experience with Crohn's and her son. I believe she uses an herb called curcumin as an anti-inflammatory, with success. You could PM her to come to this thread for you.

Sometimes people get inflamed bile ducts when there are many stones. This can lead to pancreatitis which is painful and that should be checked for. Don't jump into surgery....please. Learn more.

The dx process? yep,RRMS..
I have learnt also that ms can cause diarrhea aswell.
Its very,very rare,but it can happen.

I have limited my sugar,fructose,cause im also diebetic..
I did learn yesterday that basicly the only thing I can eat was plane rice,or plane chicken,without causing me any troubles.

Thanks for your reply,ill try to PM Chemar,for further info.
Im not really jumping into anything cause as i said,ive been through this once.

Patience is probably the best defence I have with any issue with my health.

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