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Old 11-28-2006, 08:37 PM
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frogga frogga is offline
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frogga frogga is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: UK
Posts: 830
15 yr Member
Angry The evils of smoking! (and drunk boys)


Well, I think that most of you know that due to RSD (and whatever other disease the drs decide I have) I am a quadraplegic, with almost no use in my arms/ legs/ back/ neck etc I am transferred through lifting and I can type with my splints or with my stick/switch and voice. I guess you also know that I am in university - living in halls - studying psychology and I have a 24hr carer who does everything I need. Also, I have been a smoker since getting this disease, (well, I needed something to do when I was up for days at a time with pain?!!)

(yes.. why do you need to know this? it is relevant I promise!)

Well.. tonight my friends from my halls went out drinking - I have been pretty unwell recently so stayed in because I am really struggling with pain etc and just needed to lie down for abit - have some time out etc. Anyway carer (Bek) got me into bed and sorted me out, splints on, pillows, supports, all that rubbish organised and then went to bed. My mates came home and were telling me about their (great) night and then offered to get me up to have a cigarrete with them- these guys have all lifted me before and know what I need them to do etc.. so they went and got my wheelchair out of the charging room, lifted me out of bed into it, and we went outside, talked abit more, smoked (they have to hold my cigareetes up to my mouth etc - bizzare, but you get used to it!) , and just chilled generally (literally!! - though impressively for 18yr old (RUGBY) boys they remebered a blanket for me!). Anyway, went in and got lifted back into bed etc etc - they got me sorted etc (luckily Sarah was there as well... nothing like guy mates re arranging your pjs! )

Anyway - to cut this thing short... two of the boys returned it to the recharge room, and broke it... completly... I don't know how!! but they have managed to make it so it won't turn on. half of my flatmates are engineers so they've looked at it and don't know what I've done.. it is totally TOTALLY dead.. which is NOT good!! as I only have my very old spare manual which has no supports for keeping me upright/ headrest/ tilted/ reclined/ etc...

and tomorrow I am supposed to be travelling 300 miles home by train and across london to get that exact wheelchair home - to get the new additions this constant deterioation of bloody RSD needs..a new headrest to lock my head instead of just support it, some new foot rests etc to try and make it more supportive for me so I look less like a bag of potatoes!

and now I don;t know what to do! without a wheelchair I am totally stuffed.... and have no idea how on earth I am going to get it home... or me home for that matter....

So...........any suggestions? (for getting home) or suggestions for torture for them?


Rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx whoisnowwheelchairless
It's always darkest just before dawn... but smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone
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