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Old 12-23-2008, 10:28 PM
justdeb justdeb is offline
In Remembrance
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 63
15 yr Member
justdeb justdeb is offline
In Remembrance
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 63
15 yr Member

so how does one fight the blues?? WEll first, can you get outside at all?? Sit on the patio in the sunlight?? This time of year the lack of direct sunlight can add to depression. Many people use special lights to combat this.
Movies, go one of two ways, comedy or tear jerker. LOL Yes sounds odd, but if you need a good cry at least you have a "reason" If not get the funniest movie you can think of. (not sure where you are from, but there is one called redneck comedy tour with jeff foxworthy et al, laugh till ya hurt)
Surround yourself with positive people. some people are just ignorant beyond beleif. I too have a ton of pred wt gain. and I walk like a drunk. And I look stoned with low set eyes and the odd grimmace. but it is just me. I can't do a whole lot to change it all. But as others have said, ya gotta toughen up buttercup. LOL.
I will share a second. One of my pet peeves has always been overwt people. I could see no reason for it. Food in mouth disease is the leading cause of obesity in this country. I worked out two hours 6 days a week. Ate when I remembered to, was go go go. Metabolism never slowed down long enough to add wt to the bod. Then came prednisone. I fought it and fought it. I ate right, couldn't really "exercise" anymore and certainly not like I used to that is for certain. And little by little over the last years at 60mg a day I have packed it on. I disgust myself, but then I have to say hey, suck it up buttercup. Get your head outta your butt and live. MG doesn't define who we are. It should NOT ever do that. We are who we are and the MG is just a side not to an otherwise sterling life.
No I am not some polyanna smiling fool. I just know that if I am having a bad day, I allow it for ONE day. I can use that day to wallow in self pity, wring my hands and just be a brat about it all. Day two, get over it buttercup!! And jerk myself up by the bootstraps. We need that time to let it all go and just be. That really helps the psyche adjust and have time to assimilate the new developements.
Don't fight against it all!! You have to let it out. But don't make it your life. Like I said, say OK you, this is the time I am allowing self pity and big pity party. When the time is done, you gotta get on with it.
Find something to do with yourself. Handi-work. games. puzzle building. Volunteering to help someone else.
Are you sprititual? Do you have a relationship with God?? If so, talk to Him. He is there. He is always ready to cradle your heart and give comfort. You don't have to have some sort of fancy prayers either. Just let your heart flow out to Him. He already knows it, but to be able to just say it out loud, oh what a releif.
Also, is there anyone you can feel safe talking to?? OF course we are all here. We are always around. and it really helps to talk with others sometimes who just know and understand without some long drawn out explanation to give just because you are not able to do what everyone expects of you that day.
Got a pet? A creature who will love you just because you are you?? that can help immensly. Unconditional love. But get one that is easy to take care of.
Now is not the time to get a high maint puppy. How about a nice 3 year old dog/cat?? One who is past the wild and crazy days and is now just into long snuggles. Studies have shown that petting a dog will lower the blood pressure.
meditation, also a wonderful thing. You clear your mind totally and only allow in the thoughts you want. Totally zone out. You will be so refreshed after that. Then get positive thoughts going and move forward.
Like music?? I adore LOUD music. and if you can move to it that is all the better. Find some tunes, jack em up and dance around with abandon.
The main thing I guess I am trying to say is get the heck outta your own head for a while. It can be a very lonely scary place if you are feeling down and out.

well prob much longer than necessary, time for me to sign off and get to bed!!
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