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Old 12-25-2008, 02:48 AM
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Hello and thank you

WOW 12 years so sorry to hear that, and, I am sorry to hear about your Mom, I was hurt back in Nov of 05 and just found out about RSD July 2 of 2008,
yes I hope to keep walking, I am fighting like crazy to keep walking, now,
just hurts like WOW painful, this happen about the same time last year
I think its the winters, each year keeps getting worse, maybe that is be-cuz I am not being and have not had any treatment for RSD! see Medicare will not cover anything that is Auto, and Auto cut me off, and yes my health was good before this, did 19'000 mils on the road with-in a year before, I was hit, took a really long road trip, also had an MRI of my neck and back before that also, and it was good, after the crash, C4C5C6C7 H disk all to the right
was hit on the left side, my side, she ran a stop sign going 35 to 40 and I was going 50 mph, she was 100% at fault, I did win that, but again before I knew about RSD, I think my Lawyer that did that case, knew I had RSD, but being from Mi, and he is in NY where I was hit, easy money for him, got the max,
I just thought I needed surgery and get back to my life,
besides full body rsd, I have SS and DDD and Spoona something, it was not there before or right after the crash, but that showed up one and half year later
my spine is a mess, I kept telling everyone it was on fire, the same fire I had in my thumb, both hands, red and swollen, I could not wear anything, I was in lose PJ's all the time, HE KNEW THAT, I could not stand anything on my skin, and on and on, he knew all of this,
well I am not going to let no one do surgery on me now
but I really think my Lawyer knew I had RSD, so one day I took look at his web site and there it was, he won cases of RSD before, mine, and he knew about the burning pain, and my foot and everything, he seen me, not able to walk upright, he knew everything, and all the Dr's I was begging for help, this is not the same Lawyer I have now,
I did not know I had RSD, and I never hurd of it before, so I would not have known what it was, looking at his web site before,
but as far as getting a new lawyer now, to late, and no money in it, just trying to get my medical back so I can be treated for RSD by someone!

I am sure you all know what a mess RSD cases can be, and I am in mine, I did not know, there where Dr's out there that would lie about someone's health, for the Ins Co,
and I was really hurt so I did not have nothing to worry about, ya I bet you are LYAO about now, I never had a clam before, and like everyone that dose not have to deal with something like that, how and why would you worry about something like an IME, ? so yes I was shock at what he said, and the lies, Dr's take Oaths, and I was razed to trust them,
WRONG! sorry for going on and on, its late, and again I can not sleep,

Marry Christmas to all,
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