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Old 12-25-2008, 04:10 AM
loretta loretta is offline
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loretta loretta is offline
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Hi Lori Lee,

I can 'hear' yoru pain and depression in your words. When a major change or loss happens in our life our reaction to it can last for various lengths of time. When my parents died at a young age, I just couldn't adjust, so found a wonderful counselor to help me thru. Then when I couldn't adjust to RSD, again I found a psychiatrist to help me thru that awful deep depression. I sense that is where you are now. The depression isn't just the loss and change, but there is a physical change in our brain, called the Limbic system. It is altered by the RSD and causes the depression. I've been seeing my pschy. for 4-5 years now. Cymbalta is working well for me. low dose 60 mg. What has helped most is my determination to fight and keep a calm system, which in turn is less pain. i troy to look at things is a positive, grateful way. Terrible things happen to wonderful peoplle,and it is so encouraging to see them do well. I went thru a very low low time too, but I try to call friends to encourage them, love flowers in the house, scented candles, scented lotions, and scrubs, polish my nails, exercise, swim, play with my kitty, watch a funny movie, look at old photo albums of family vacations, write letters to family and friends. It's tough. I also miss snow skiing. my daughter and I and our friends made many fun trips in Oregon. Mt Batchelor, Mt Hood. My husband would come too a couple times a year and would have the fire going when we got home. We had a ski boat and water skied a lot-ten minutes from the house. My daughter and I played tennis about 5 days a week. So much fun. We traveled as a family several times a year. self-employed

Like yourself, my RSD came the day following surgery. swollen arm, then frozen shoulder. It took months of therapy to get range of motion back, then went to the other shoulder. more pt I think our daughter was about 17. I don't say this to discourage you, but shortly after the second frozen shoulder, I was water skiing and my hand was frozen. Misdiagnosedd with RA flew back to Oregon and diagnosed RSD. We had moved to Arizona for college, went thru therapy to get most of hand back. Never regret all the painful therapy. now can use both arms and most of left hand. I have full body RSD 12 years now. In between the two frozen shoulders we went to Europe twice. which was grateful for. As it spread, I was very limited and had to stop traveling. I'm hoping to start up again. So don't give up please Journel if you need to, or reach out to us on the forum so we can encourage you. Choose carefully, whom you speak with about your RSD. Many people or friends care, but some tend to withdraw witih discussions of illness and such. I assume you know what journeling is, writing down your true feelings, without reservations, then burn it if you need to

This can be a serious disorder. I almost died when blood pressure dropped to 60/40 was going to go to Maui the next day, but ended up in ICU instead. The last couple days have had low blood pressure again. It is caused by the para sympathetic nervous system. the sympathetic nervous system cause high blood pressure. I'm on two different meds for that.I take Lorazepm 2 mg. for anti-anxiety 3x day to keep calm. Vicodin for pain. Was on 3200 neurotin and then lyrica and now down to 100 mg. lyrica. Hope to go off soon.So far no electric shocks, jolts, spasms, etc I feel I'm progressing, I stretch and have full use of arms and feet andall of right hand and partial left hand. I did have problemds with toes curling, but Dr. gave me exercising while swimming and got the toes to touch the ground again.

Financially, we have spent a love of savings, but our daughter and son in law thru college.I can't work much. memoroy is bad. We own a coffee company, We bought it when we moved to AZ. thripled it, but then health went down. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you may want to think about the statuate of limitations on filing for damages.

I didn't file on my breast surgery, and next day my shoulder was frozen. 100 treatments. plus I paid for 100 massage therapy. the ovef to other shoulder, Our insurance paid for treatment and I paid for Massage therapy. I did the desensitizing at home too. and am GLAD I did! Between the two shoulders we went to Greece and also a 7 day cruise thru the greek islands. WONDERFUL I'm so glad I did the time and pain The wonderful memories with friends and family. Then our daughters wedding. So fun. I know for sure, the stretching exercising swimming kept me moving and had the joy. Please keep trying.

My husband has interviewed two men to go out and sell coffee. I can't do that anymore. If they can, maybe I can get some HBOT treatment.the 100)% oxygen and the the oxygen toends of arms and legs.I would be so gratefultomore and have more energy

On our bad and painful days, it's hard not give up and just stay in bed, but I want to help others ah travel more.

I guess one more thing I want to say to you Lora Lee is, if you feel you have a case on your surgery, it's worth a visit to an attorney and see if you have a case. It's unbelieveable how much allthese medical bills cost and therapy. If there was neglicence, you deserve commensation. If it is something you are going to pursue, sometimes, it's best to go out of town and keep it quiet.

My father pursued my mothers death and was 100% settlement

I had very good evidence for my surgeons blunders, but decided not to pursue due to emotional costs Medical costs are unbelievable and keep going up, so you need to decide on that are of your life......Hope all works out well. and goes wellfor you. I truly underand the loss of physical sports. I loved itSwimming is so great, water auerobics, Please know I think of you often and hope you continue to stregthen yoursel

Our daughter and son in law just moved in with us.He is a American Airline Pilot and just moved backfrom chicago I'm doing so much better here thatn in Oregon Please let us know how you are doing? I'm checking into the HBOT treatment and will let you know whenI find out more. Take care, Loretta Jewell
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