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Old 11-29-2006, 04:31 PM
beth beth is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Central Illinois
Posts: 287
15 yr Member
beth beth is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Central Illinois
Posts: 287
15 yr Member
Thumbs up So far, so good - SCS

I'm almost 4 weeks out from the SCS implant surgery and it's really making a HUGE difference! The pain level in my arms and hands is WAY down, and the stimulation also helps increase circulation, so my hands sometimes get cool, but never that horrible icy cold I experienced several times a day.

I'm sleeping MUCH better because the pain is less, and I can actually sleep on my side since my arms aren't so painful. I think I'm actually getting REM sleep for the first time since the injury, and I'm having dreams now - haven't slept well enough, or long enough at a time, to dream, as far as I can remember, since this started in Feb of 2003. Real dreams, not nightmares related to Drs, insurance people, legal matters or anything to do with my health situation.

The stimulator is only masking the pain, of course, so I'm still physically fatigued, and my neck, upper back and chest still bother me. If I have the stimulation up too high the nerves under the arm that run into the side of the breast get really annoyed. I am learning which settings are most comfortable , sometimes less stimulation is better for the nerves even though it means feeling a little more pain for a while.

Overall I think it's a success, and I'm very happy with the results, I'm a lot more alert and feeling more like myself because of the better sleep and less pain. Wish I'd done this a year ago!

On another note, we still haven't made ANY progress on settling my vaccine injury case (which I won in July). The opposing attorney and mine have to come to an agreement on an amount, and we sent in our proposal in October. But the Special Master's decision, even though it was in our favor, was very vague as to whether he accepted that the vaccine caused my TOS. So the opposing attorney is trying to get out of paying for any TOS-related expenses, he wants to show it was pre-existing ,( which it wasn't,) because I was predisposed to it.

So to try to clear up the question of whether the vaccine did or did not cause the TOS, he's sending me for an IME - in January, just short of FOUR YEARS after the vaccine reaction, after two TOS surgeries, minus a rib and after lidocaine and ketamine IV infusions, and a spinal cord implant, and during those years my RSD has progressed to full-body. What exactly can be determined from an examination after all this that will pinpoint what occurred 4 years ago????

And if the US Govt. is asking a Dr to make a determination,(and paying them for doing so) don't you think the Dr will make the determination the Gov't wants them to make?

It will be a neurologist at the University of Chicago, they haven't decided which one yet, but I feel there is a good chance it will be a sham, and a complete waste of my time. Then we have another phone conference set for Feb 3, when both sides will have the Dr's report, it's as if the whole TOS damages aspect hinges on this one report, regardless of the testimony of my Drs given under oath in court. I don't GET it!

Oh, and the opposing attorney is leaving Dec 8 for another job, so the case will be handed over to another attorney - aarrrggghhhh!!!

The Special Master hears the vaccine cases first and makes a determination, but if the two sides don't come to an agreement on damages the case goes back to court in front of a Federal Claims Court Judge. I'm really hoping the new attorney will be interested in settling the other guy's cases so he can concentrate on his own. I'd REALLY like this thing finished, I mean, enough already, ya know?

I'm trying to be good and limit my computer time, but I think of you all often and wish you less pain. I haven't had the energy or desire to start Christmas shopping, but think I will go out later today for a little while. I made a good list, so if I stick to it I can pop in and out of places and accomplish a lot. If only I don't get distracted by the noise, the lights, the crowds, and the endless selection of STUFF!

These days I can go into the the grocery store or drug store for just a few items and be there for over an hour, I get so distracted, and usually come away with several things I had no intention of buying! It's maddening, so I try to avoid stores as much as possible. But I'm just as bad online, browsing items and different sites and before you know it I've been on the computer over an hour wihtout ordering anything and my neck is in knots. I'm taking dh on my shopping trips when he's available to keep me on task, he hates to shop so doesn't waste a minute. He doesn't always make the most enjoyable shopping partner, but does help me accomplish a lot more!

Stay warm all - I hear white stuff is on the way!

Hugs, beth
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