Thread: Chest spasms
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Old 01-08-2009, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by mrsD View Post
There are patients who report breathing problems on Lyrica.
If you are taking this drug you should report this to your doctor ASAP.

If you feel spasms in the chest wall, try stomach breathing.
This does not use the chest as much.

Some people get spasms when they are low in dietary magnesium. If you do not eat whole foods, esp nuts, or beans, you may need a magnesium supplement.

See my magnesium thread in the vitamin forum.

Calcium causes muscle contraction, (and pain conduction at the NMDA receptors), magnesium is responsible for relaxation and also blocks NMDA receptors to a certain extent.

This symptom should be reported to the doctor, regardless of the cause.
Mrs. D,

With all due respect.

My SX are and were CHEST SPASMS, No Lyrica

EAT Healthy as well, lungs are clear.

Here are the impressions of my ECHO.

1.Normal LV size good wall montion. Ejection fraction is 70%
2.Diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle
3.Sclerotic miral value annulus with trace mitral regurgitation
4.Trace aortic regurgitation
5.Trace tricuspid regurgitation

Even some of my EKG's were normal. I do NOT want Rosie's heart to end up like mine.

Much Love, Roz
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