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Old 01-10-2009, 08:37 AM
Pamster Pamster is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Pamster Pamster is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
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15 yr Member

Oh Mari, I am so sorry you're feeling so wretched right now. I can't even imagine how hard the sleeping issues you're having must be. I just wish I could make it better for you. I know there is really nothing we can offer except our understanding, you've tried everything and still trouble sleeping plagues you. I just feel so bad for you with this problem. I hope something comes and offers you relief for th is soon. Any news on the sleep doctor's ideas on how to help you? I really wish we could do something for you.

Today looks good for us so far, Jackie got up at five and I told him to go back to bed and he did! Though he was up an hour later, and again I said to go back to bed and he did, so when he got up at 7 I knew I was darn lucky to have had the extra two hours of sleep I got this morning. The aid is coming out soon and we'll be taking Jackie out for a little while. So things are looking up a bit. Mom couldn't make it today and I will miss her but we have to do something with Jackie or else he'll go nuts today.

I am getting some good writing books at the library today too, I have three that are good but I need others, I want to get some ideas for the new book I am writing and to revamp older novels I have written, but the first priority is for me to finish the novel I am entering in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest. I only need 6K more words and I can do that in ONE day if I have nothing distracting me, then comes editing time. All hopefully before the deadline of Feb. 2nd, they are only taking the first 10K entries and I desperately want in.

So that's where I am at today. So far so good. I hope you get some sleep Mari, hang in there. Don't be too hard on yourself about ignoring your hubby, it's better you guys don't talk while you feel like this, better to not get in an argument.
I love my family, my friends, (this means YOU!) my cat, my nails, my Necchi sewing machine and my turtle!

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