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Old 01-10-2009, 07:23 PM
Dubious Dubious is offline
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Dubious Dubious is offline
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Originally Posted by MominPainRSD View Post
I actually wrote this in the middle of the night but it was buried in an old thread. I wanted to update everyone on how my 2nd injection went. I am still allodynia improved.....was able to rub lotion on my foot this morning!!! I've been up and around with little repercussions. I have almost as much flexibility in my left foot as I do my right one!!! I feel very encouraged!! I'm having TERRIBLE headaches that I think may be from the Lyrica/Skelaxin they started me on yesterday. I hope I adjust soon. I see my new neurologist today so I'm slowly building my "team" of doctors. I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry for all who end up reading this twice. There are some questions in here that I was hoping you all could answer for me. Again, I wrote this in the middle of the night on a LOT of meds, so forgive my rambling........Take care!!!!

I DO think this injection has helped! I just PULLED my sock on my foot without thinking about it! The ants have quit biting my toes and my foot doesn't "feel" cold to me!! I am actually lying in bed with the covers on it moving my toes around!!! My ankle is still stiff and swollen but I will work with it tomorrow with PT and epsom salts.

I was SO sick yesterday, however. I feel almost like I'm going through chemo (PLEASE forgive me to anyone out there that HAS gone through chemo......I'm sure I cannot even imagine how that feels). I get so sick from these injections and have an allergic reaction to something they give me. I break out in this horrible red, itchy rash every time, despite them having given me a "buttload" (as the nurse said) of Benadryl in my IV. The doc is not concerned about it since I'm not having trouble breathing as well. It's still a pain and miserable. I wasn't able to eat anything yesterday but some dry Cheerios because of the I feel weak and dizzy now. PLUS, he started me on Lyrica last night. I am very, very sensitive to meds and have a really hard time adjusting to changes with them.

I've also been put on Skelaxin during the day to help with the tremors and twitching (which drive me nuts). I've only taken one dose so far so I don't know yet how it will help. They told me it wouldn't make me sleepy like the Flexeril does (which I take at night). I HATE that "drugged" feeling. That is primarily why I deal with the pain as much as I can during the day with Advil. They offered me Percocet and I declined.

That all being said, I have a question to all on Lyrica. The med info says that I cannot drink any alcohol on that med. I enjoy a nice glass of Cabernet or Merlot in the evening sometimes.....especially if it's been a particularly stressful or painful day. Do I have to completely stop that???

I cannot remember whether I posted anything about my injection yesterday or not. They had me on SO much stuff......I remember little and was SO sick all day. Get this......the hospital I went to (a different one from the last time) had NO numbing meds for the IV. No topical, no injection. They poked me THREE times with the IV needle before they could get one in. I was livid. I told the doc point blank that he needed to make sure that numbing meds were available to me before my next injection at that hospital (next Wednesday). I was still tense and upset (and about to pass out) about the IV when 2 minutes later they walked me into the room for my injection. I was wide awake for the whole thing this time.....remember and felt the whole darn procedure. Holy cow they go in deep!! I told him I want more meds the next time.

My foot turned blue and purple afterwards but the temperature went up in that foot and he saw it and said that was a good sign of increased blood flow!!! I really think these are working for me!!!! I'm wiggling my foot around and have very little pain (of course, I did just take a Vicodin a while ago.....they said no Advil for 24 hours after).

Take care everyone!! I hope everyone has a pain-managed day!!!!
I took neurontin for several days, horrible indigestion. Lyrica worked well but made me tired and (more) stupid. I did however, enyoy an occasional glass of chardonney without apparent issues. It is contraindicated though. Unrelated, I had to stop the Lyrica after several weeks as it caused arrythmias.
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