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Old 01-19-2009, 06:11 PM
Lucy Lucy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 317
15 yr Member
Lucy Lucy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 317
15 yr Member
Book Fatigue etc

Hi Copper - it is 7 years since my accident and I still have the fatigue problem. When I keep it under control I can get by without any headaches. But as soon as I push myself the headaches come back. I feel that they come from the tiredness as I believe that my brain when not tired still processes at the speed I used to think and process at. I don't think I ever appreciated the speed that I used to think at.

To be able to function I have to have 1 chill out session of a half hour at 11.30 every day and an hours sleep/lie down for an hour every afternoon around 2.30.

I have begged my doctor, psychiatrist and psychologist for something that could keep my awake all day - I even asked about party pills - after all if they can keep the young ones awake all night so they can dance then they should be able to keep my awake all day - simple reasoning! Needless to say I got a big no never to that one.

I did continue on with my job as Legal Executive - initially full time - it was horrific always felt like my brain was screaming and the headaches and tiredness were indescribable. Was eventually given a month off work but was told that there was nothing wrong with my brain as my IQ was still high and I had completed the psych tests well. Went back to work about 3 hours per day - starting at 10am, having my half hour chill out in my office with my door closed and finished work about 1.30-2.00 ish. That was pushed out till I got to about 6 hours a day by the government insurer - I was going home after work and collapsing on the bed incapable of doing anything and of course was that over tired I couldn't sleep. My blood pressure went crazy one day and I ended up in hospital - was told it was exhaustion and my systems were shutting down. Not long after that I fainted and knocked myself out again and was put back to 3 hours per day. I struggled with that carryon for 6 years until a year ago when I basically had a melt down and now can not work as I can't handel any pressure what so ever - for a while I could not go near my law firm but am now able to go in for a coffee and chat - can't step foot into my old office though.

I do have anger problems - I am angry with myself for not being able to do what I could do, angry that I did not have the correct treatment initially as I am certain that I would be a lot better now, angry that my husband left me 3months after the accident and that he did not believe me and still doesn't, angry with some of my friends who look at me and say you look really good and I get tired too - ex friends, angry that I can't run - doctor told me not to and running is jerky and shakes your brain and gives you massive head aches. I get angry with people who don't make any effort to do even simple things or who give anwers like I don't know to questions without even bothering to think first when it would be so easy for them. Any exercise over 6 km of fast walking causes massive headaches - migraines - it is all so frustrating. Alot of the time when people annoy me I don't say anything as I don't have the same control of my mouth.

You would have seen posts from Risiblegirl - she was taking modavigil at one stage, I asked my doctor if I could try it as it is meant to help with tiredness. Within half hour - hour of taking it I had a bad bad headache- and had to wait for it to wear off - needless to say that was the end of that.

After leaving hospital with the high blood pressure problem (that was a headache that made you want to smash your head against the wall) I was sent home with sevredol - take one tablet every four hours for the pain. Well I did and felt wonderful - first time in years without any could of headache what so ever - no fog - no tiredness wonderful. Got home from hospital and I was running around vacuuming, dusting, tidying everything in sight. Next day reported in to my GP and he asked me what I was taking - told him and he had a fit as he said it was morphine and to stop them immediately. I think that I would have been able to run or do any sport on that medication - but of course I would have become an addict and would constantly need more and more to feel as good!

I have been sent to a psychologist - that was to help me deal with grief - of course I did not believe I had anything to grieve about and why would I want to as I was going to get better and was going to make myself get better etc. Bad patient! I think she was trying to get me to accept now without trying constantly to win the battle against myself - she would constantly say - what would you be saying to a friend who was like this? So that gets back to being kind to yourself - we are all nice to others so why can't we by nice to ourselves?

Sorry I have burbled on and lost the thread of what I wanted to tell you. I am now trying ritalin, but have found that it gives me a headache as it winds down. The psychiatrist thought it might help with staying awake and being able to concentrate longer. My (new) husband thinks it has made a difference - the only thing that I have noticed is that I am more critical of others and more niggly - maybe it is giving me more energy to be cranky -I don't know.

There are the natural remedies like the fish oil and I did buy some genkgo biloba - it hasn't performed the miracles that I wanted!

My everyday drugs are efexor supposedly for depression in the morning - I suppose I have to admit that I was depressed.

Night time I have nortryptiline and zoplicone for sleeping. I too sleep around 10 hours at night and need the 2 rests during the day. Until you said that you did that as well I thought that I was the only person who had to do this.

I have forced myself to do without this routine at different times but have found that it is just not worth it as it takes a week to get back to where I was. Every now and then I do it just to see if maybe I am better - but no. With the extreme tiredness I simply end up dizzily falling over like my brain has no energy left to keep me upright.

With the exercise I think I read somewhere that the headache is caused by the increase in heart rate which ups the blood pressure - but yes I do know my limits there now, and have tested it twice since and ended up with the same result of the nasty vomitting migraine that doesn't stop without medical intervention - jabs.

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