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Old 12-02-2006, 12:03 PM
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Default Wonderful!!

Glad to hear about the SCS being such a success !!

You have been through so much!! It figures that this thing is going to be difficult to the bitter end!!

I thought that Tam posted something awhile ago on the old forum about it not mattering if you are pre-disposed for TOS; that it shouldn't be a factor. It sounds like they are just trying to take you on a wild goose chase! Maybe wear you out so you will settle??

Maybe it will be a good thing to have a new opposing attorney. Maybe he /she won't be as aware of all the aspects of the case. Maybe he/ she won't be thorough in his reading, or not as aggressive as the other?? (Just trying to be optomistic here! ) There is always that possibility...

Good to hear from you and hear you're having good days ( and a good night's sleep! )

(( Hugs))

G ~
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