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Old 12-03-2006, 02:06 AM
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Joselita Joselita is offline
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Joselita Joselita is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Way down yonder in the Land of Cotton
Posts: 231
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Default Tried topost this earlier today, but computer freaked out. *Sigh. At least I saved!

Oh Joan...
I am so sorry. What a cruddy day. Don't feel like The Lone Ranger or that it is only in your area, or anything like that. Rudeness such as that is happening all over.

‘Tis the Season, and all of that, you know....LOL

Yesterday, I asked Meghan if she would run to WalMart to pick up a couple of things, one of which was a very heavy box (30 lbs!!) of Kitty Litter. She was nice enough to go for me, instead of saying "I'll go WITH you", which is what the kids usually say, because at least they know that I can't handle or carry such things.

Anyway...I didn't think that she would go in there and get this think without a cart. But that is what she did. Not that it would have mattered with what happened anyway....but it just made it worse, in my opinion.

So, Meghan goes and gets the Kitty Litter first. The other item was very light weight, and something that she could pick up on her way back out, so I totally understand why she did this the way that she did. Makes perfect sense to me...I would have done it that way, even with the cart. Anyway, Picture Meghan coming to a point in the isle, along the back, as she was cutting down towards where the next item was, out of the greater flow of traffic, that was blocked by two ladies. One that had her cart poking a little bit out of an isle into Meghan's path, and another that was stopped IN the isle with her cart on one side, and her self on the other while she examined some product or another. So, Meghan pauses for a few seconds, giving them both time to notice her. The didn't. So, she then says "Excuse me". All that this produces is that the one lady with her cart poking a little bit into the isle pulls it more towards she isn't a problem. But, Meghan still can't get around Ms Totally Blocking the Isle In All Directions.

Now, she knows that there are some people that have troubles hearing her voice. It is a thing that she has inherited from me, and me from my Mother, and her from hers. It is something about our "tone", or "timbre" or something. If we pitch our voice either higher (which none of us have what anyone would call a low voice in the first place..LOL) or lower, people will hear us better. Usually it is better to go lower, because some folks (usually men, but sometimes women too) have lost their High Pitched Hearing. So, that is what Meghan did. She pitched her voice lower, got a little bit louder (no one can say that ANY of us are "Quiet" ROFL), and sad again, "Ahem! Excuse me!". The lady didn't even flinch or twitch or glance in her direction.
Now, remember that this WHOLE time, Meghan is holding this 30 lb box of Arm & Hammer Kitty Litter (for multiple cats. LOL), and holding it by the strap, because it would slip when she tried to "hug" it to her. So, it is totally KILLING her hands, as she keeps swapping it back and forth. The child had horrible red marks on her hands that lasted for HOURS last night. In fact, I meant to check her hands this morning before she left for work, (but forgot to...sluggish reptile cold and rusty brain, that cold weather has TOTALLY messed up! LOL), because I was and still am worried that she might have done some damage, or at least some bruising to them.

Anyway, she again waits a few seconds with no acknowledgment from Ms Block the Isle Because I Am Queen Lazy *** Of The South, and then she EXPLODES! (Afterall, she IS her mother's daughter...LOL) "EXCUSE ME!!!!!" she HOLLERS at the woman. The woman finally turns to face Meghan and says, "You can go around".

Well...Meghan is fit to be tied. "Go around WHERE?" she says. "Do you not see me standing here with this box of kitty litter? You want me to go around WHERE? Walk all the way up this other isle here, and over two, and then back down one, to get where I need to get, when all YOU need to do is move over and let me pass?"

The lady says "You can get around. There is room. I don't have to move."

Well..Meghan is livid. She has been brought up to respect her elders...but she has also been brought up to respect those who also show HER some respect too. This lady was doing nothing of the sort. Meghan had been polite. She had tried, and tried. She had done everything...and she had tried to be patient. The woman was "a stupid head", which in Meghan's book is pretty damn bad...and I am sure translates into something much worse that she isn't comfortable saying in front of her mother. LOL. To make everything MUCH worse, she hurt. Her hands felt like she was trying to hold a knife that someone was pushing down on ( a very apt description that she gave me..or at least I think so). And, we can't ever forget that she most certainly IS her mother's daughter, and her grandmother's granddaugher....and so....

"Well. You know, YOUNG people are NOT the only ones who are expected to be POLITE. I Was brought up to be Polite and to be CONSIDERATE of matter WHAT age they are...OLD WOMAN! MOVE YOUR STUPID CART, AND LET ME PASS BY! THIS BOX IS HEAVY AND IT IS CUTTING INTO MY HANDS, ALL BECAUSE YOU HAVE MADE ME STAND HERE AND WAIT ON YOUR IMPOLITE SELF!!!!!!!", and she grabs a hold of the end of the lady's cart, and pushes it out of her way, and STOMPS on past, looking like one of those Xena or something, just without the leather armor. ROFLMAO! If looks could kill, well...I am sure that Ms Got Bawled Out By My Usually Very Quiet Daughter Who Got Fed Up and Rightful Blew Her Top would have been left lying dead by her shoved aside cart right there by the make up, shampoo and other such stuff in WalMart. Shoot. Meghan said that there was "Some Guy" with her, but even HE didn't dare utter a word, or do anything as Meghan blew up and stormed on past. The only one that did anything was the lady who had had her cart poking out in the isle at the start, but had moved. She laughed when Meghn chewed the lady out (I think at the "Old Lady" thing...LOL).

I asked Meghan how "old" this "Old Lady" was, and she said "I don't even know. Older than me anyway." 19, that could be anything. I asked her if she was my age or older, and Meghan just shrugged. So, for all I know, this woman could have been 25, 35, 45, or 95. Although, I doubt she was super old....I don't think that Meghan would have totally lost it if she had been, as flashed of her beloved Mamaw would have flashed through her head. So, that would knock out from the 70's on up. I am betting that she was much younger than that, though. LOLOL.

Anyway....I just wanted to let you know that you aren't the only one that has had yucky experiences happen so far this Joyous Christmas Shopping Season. I think that folks are just getting Ruder and Ruder....and that they are so very self absorbed that the don't stop to think about anyone else but themselves. Of course, if someone were to inconvenience or be rude to THEM...well, that would be a totally different matter all together. Shame on everyone or anyone else for abusing them. Just as I am sure that Meghan was cursed and shamed and talked badly about for her "rude" and "ill mannered" and "bad behavior" that she rained down all over that "Old Lady's" head so uncalled least in that lady's eyes.

I do think that it was awful that no one helped the girl that you saw, and did help, in the wheel chair, while you were out. That everyone, including the employees who are supposed to be "oh so helpful" made such a studied practice of looking the other way, and letting her struggle all alone and unassisted. I am glad that you went in and talked to management....but I am wondering if it will do any good? Maybe, if you see that again, a news station getting wind of that kind of behavior, and doing one of those "Fighting for you" expose things would work? I don't just seems like something should be done, as this sort of behavior and not caring about people has gotten totally out of hand. What does it say about what people in general are becoming?

I am glad that there are people like you in the world.....and that I have taught my kids to lend helping hands when they see they are needed...AND to stand up for themselves and let stupid "Old Ladies" know when they are behaving badly (even though it probably fell on deaf ears..LOL). That is all we can all really do...right?

Here's hoping that we all survive this Happy Holiday Season! Ho ho ho.

Ba-Humbuggy ( least with the getting out and shopping with yucky people around part! LOL) ((Hugs))
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