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Old 01-25-2009, 09:05 PM
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Hello Ali
I am so sorry about your gramdpa passing, I was close to my grandma, and she pass when I was out of Mi, on a job in Ct, that was hard,
sorry to hear you are not doing so well, and I understand about the weather
its cold here also, so I stay on a heated bed not to hot, just to keep my body temp right, then I get to hot and have to get out of it! fast,,, that happens everyday off and on all the time,,,drives me nuts but I know its the RSD
I hope you start feeling better soon, I know you are so young and I am amazed how you deal with this, I really do not like to hear that kids get this,
but no one is safe from it, I know of one more young girl that got this at 13 and she is now 26 going for her 2 time for the K-coma treatment in Mex this time I guess no one is going to Germany right now, due to that lady that is over there that got Mersa on day 2 of being in a coma and they are tiring to get her back to the US to treat her for that, she is really doing bad, and its very sad she is on the net, and she can no longer move her legs and arms and is on a vent, very scary stuff!
but no kids should go thought this, or anyone,
take care Ali,

Hello Loretta
thank you,
wow I am so sorry to hear you have this also, and for so long,,
yes I have brinks and I also keep my cell on me and land line and my panic button on me at all times, I sleep with them and take them in the bathroom with me, I know this is not a game, anything can happen and when it dose
well you have no time to think about what you are going to do,
yes I was very lucky my cuzs where here, it was funny they said they where going to stop next week but I got a call about 8pm and they where in my drive way, so that was very nice,
my RSD is full body also, never knew till it got there, so I am kind of a newbie to this, I now have a hospital bed and a scooter, my Dr's are doing everything they can, we are limited due to fighting auto ins co, but we are getting close to that being over and as soon as that is done I am hoping to get in to a treatment hospital asap! and I do live alone, I am down for 23 hrs a day,, and that is from having 2 hrs a day of help, and I do not walk very good, my BP was 170 over 60, witch is odd for me, I was at 80 over
60 to 70 most of the time, low, bp,
my toes are curled also, here is a link to my new pics of knee and my black eye, feet and arm,
I knew when I moved in here that I was going to need a plan so I did every thing I could think of, to do that, and there is a lady that lives next door that helps out a lot and calls all the time, we have a sign, when I am up, I turn off my porch light and she knows I am up, and if that light is not off my noon she calls or comes over, she just stay here when I am in the shower,
got very lucky to move next door to someone that helps so much,

hello MominPainRSD
thank you, and you are right, my cuz did not mind helping out,
they just do not get out here that much and to have that happen with them both here was a shock for them to see, and I am very grateful that they where both here, they where here to help me with catechism, they both teach it to kids, ya I know I am kind of old for that, but my family has all done it but me, so its my turn,

thank you for your reply's

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