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Old 12-03-2006, 04:22 PM
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Unhappy Hi Ada

I know this was addressed to Di Marie but I wanted toexpress my condolences and say how sorry I am that you lost your husband. Such a devestating loss! You said you had 34 years together... that is a very long time. How blessed you were to have "your other half" for that amount of time. It sounds like you had a wonderful marriage, describing him that way. I am hoping that in time my hubby and I will be able to say that about our marriage and our relationship.

I do not have a diagnosis of gerd, but hubby does and takes the prevacid; and I have a sensitivity to foods on occasion, but also experience chest pain as well as a burning and stabbing type pain that I think is from the vagas nerve.. I think that is the one Dr. Ellis said...? I also get the painful under arm and breast pain Di has described and a stabbing pain on occassion that I initially thought was a heart attack! ( and even went to the emg. room for )

I have found that these symptoms seem to arise for me when I am stressed, or have used my arms to much or streched out my brachial plexus (sometimes overdoing p.t.)

It sounds like you have had alot of stress in your life recently, what with loosing your husband, and I imagine that you have had to push yourself more and physically do more with all the things involved in funeral preperations and such.

I am glad that you are going to counseling and receiving support; loosing your spouse is one of the hardest transitions that life sends our way, and is a difficult journery at best. I would not want to do it with out help!

I am sure your TOS is being affected by all this. If you can, do your best to relax and take care of yourself. Try to pamper yourself and allow yourself time to rest, to grieve the loss of your husband, to heal emotionally, and to take care of yourself physically. Please reach out for support, you know you can find it here!! This has to be a very trying time for you, so let others know what it is you need to get through this time.

Please take care Ada, and may God Bless you and keep you,

G ~
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