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Old 01-31-2009, 09:57 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Post bored and uptight

Hi Barbara... whatchup to this weekend? How's your photoshopping going?

Hi Mari... good to see you too. well, i got the bedding in the wash, pretreated the would-be-handwash to death and threw it in there too, fingers crossed. i set the machine to a lower temp than the program expects, but the program would let me do the lower temp with the "express/fast" button pressed - for "lightly soiled" clothes. the program number is the same, and the temp selector is separate, so i figured screw it, push the buttons for the longer cycle, and set the temp lower. honestly, it should work, but beats me how they design these things. well lets hope my hand-wash doesn't need hand-washing afterwards. i figure, at worst it will need a little help but will be clean basically and i won't have as much hassle or time standing bent over the sink, nor any urgency if i'm not inclined to see to it today. so THERE. pththhhhh.

have not got to the shower and/or hair yet. ugh. it's not the stimulation for me right now... it's dammm cold here and... oh there are ISSUES with showering in this house... so help me.... i anyway. i also have these weird rules about having to be all clean as for clean sheets ... as in i have to wash my hair the SAME DAY - even if its relatively clean grr... i am weird. but my hair needs washing so the rule even makes sense right now so i am caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

the infamous box is... still there. it exists.

i tried to toss in a bonus and vacuum the sides of my sleeper couch and ... ooops... it's quiet hours. gotta wait 15 more mins. sigh.

i lost the equivalent of about $27 the other day when i went to therapy. i'm still mad about it.

i have decided my current problem is allergies and if i'm not careful that will get me sick again so.. yes i'm doing ok kinda sorta but i'm eating antihistamines. that reminds me i have to go to the pharmacy. i wonder if they're open yet. yeah things close for lunch here... from like, 12.30 to sometimes as late as 4pm go figure. then they close up for good at 7/7.30pm.

now i am uptight about the machine running at a too high temp despite the setting.... or screwing up somehow. grrr. when i lived on my own i had a machine which had programs which made much more sense. this one drives me batty. like a lot of things in this place. including the shower "etiquette" or should i say string-of-things-to-do-afterwards which get you sweaty unless you stay nekkid and freeze your cheeks off... or both. makes having a shower very UNrewarding and seem almost futile.

but enough.

i think i'll have more coffee. still not used to the antihistamine, let alone being awake during the day!!!

later guys...

~ waves ~
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