Thread: Attn: Vicc
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Old 12-06-2006, 10:43 AM
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Hi Again Vicc,
I hope these lines find your day full of hope. I am certainly no detective. Just a good guesser.

What wonderful news about your daughter. You must be very proud of her.

I haven't had couseling yet. I have a dear friend from high school that is in the field. I would't mind going to couseling if I could find one very competant.

I had some trauma when I was 16, from a stranger. It took several years to get over it. I considered myself a onion and just needed layers of inner healing done. I had to forgive him so it would't hurt me.

I also had to forgive a drunk driver that killed my sister while she was walking. It was his third DUI. But I realize he was just sick.

Vicc, I really would't know if I suffered from PTSD. I am in 100% agreement this drug needs to be very researched. My life hasn't been violets and roses all the time, but before RSD hit me I loved life. I hope down the road some I can go back to work, if it's only 10 hours a week. I also realize I could not work under anyone's scheldule.

I was able to drive my youngest son to the bus stop this morning. I have to not despise small beginnings.

Hope you have a beautiful day. Hugs, Roz
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