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Old 02-24-2009, 08:28 AM
nikkicoop nikkicoop is offline
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nikkicoop nikkicoop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
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Default New member. I think I have PCS

Wow, I cant believe everything I have read on this forum/site. Its like hearing over and over again what I have been trying to explain to doctors for the past 2 months.

Ok, so this is my story. Its not as bad as others I have read, but it has completely turned my life up side down.

Late Dec 08, I was doing something in my kitchen. I hit the side of my head on an open over-head cupboard door corner............ that's it!! I rubbed it (it hurt) said a choice few words under my breath and then carried on making dinner.

A couple of hours later when I went to bed, the room started spinning, I had pain in my right arm and my mouth went numb and started feeling sick. I had a concussion??? I made sure I could sit up, move everything, and then went to sleep as I felt really tired. The next morning I woke up, felt dizzy and sick again so slept for another hour. Woke up and took my boys to daycare.

A couple of days later I did go to the hospital to get checked out. A friend of mine told me that a friend of hers, her son had fallen out of a bunk bed, hit his head and is now fighting for his life in a coma. There was more to the story that I wasn't aware of, but that was enough to start the panic in me - what if that will happen to me??

Anyway, got checked out by a doctor - all ok. They did suggest a CT but I said no as we were trying for baby and I may have been pregnant (I wasnt).

About 3 days after that, I was watching tv with my hubby. All of a sudden, I went extremely dizzy & had nausea. I got REALLY scared - thought I was going to die??? Anyway, went back up to the hospital - they checked me over again - all ok. Now since that night, I have had 'problems' with my vision. Its like I cant trust what I see?? I feel 'out of it' & 'not sure if I am really here'?? Took me ages to drive our car again.

Following that, I just went down hill. I was up at the hospital every second day. They told me it was 'in my head' or that I'm stressed - try deep breaths?? and one doctor walked in and said it could be a tumor or even MS. Told me to see my GP and then he walked out. I became on first name with the doctors. Then I was admitted with a UTI (something I have suffered from since birth). A week later I was admitted again. I had been having panic attacks where my husband and mum would have to call an ambulance out for help. Finally I had a CT scan done - all ok. Had chest x-ray - all ok. Had full bloods - all ok. The next step is to have an MRI done (because I may have a tumor??). I live rural and the closest hospital that has a MRI machine is 19 hours away. I have to pay for it privately and the specialist too. I have to pay for my flights, and my mum's aswell as she is coming with me plus accommodation. Not going to be cheap.

So I was doing a bit more research on the net tonight and came across PCS. I feel so relived. Maybe I'm not loosing my mind after all.

The biggest problem for me is that I am 27yrs old. I have 2 small sons - 2 & 4 yrs. We were trying for another, but have had to put that on hold. My boys have really suffered through this. One minute mummy was a happy playful mum. Next minute I was crying, in hospital, had ambulances around. Its not nice for them.

I did start seeing a chiropractor, but he didn't really help. Now I am seeing an acupuncturist. He is fantastic. He helped ease the tight muscles in my neck which drugs would not.

My symptoms are:- Shooting pains through my neck & head. The feeling of being 'out of it'. Noise & light sensitivity. Getting cranky easily (not nice for children). I was bedridden and couldn't eat for a week, but have gotten over that. The anxiety was quite bad as I am naturally a worrisome person, but is getting better with more knowledge with whats wrong.

So I guess what I am getting as is.... I only just hit my head on a cupboard door!!! Nothing major, I have hit it worse in the past and nothing like this has happened!! Most websites I have visited says that general PCS lasts no longer than 3months. Has anyone else out there only hit their head minor and recovered in that time?? I really want to get back to being the mum my boys deserve, be happy again and get back to our plans of having another baby.

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