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Old 02-28-2009, 09:14 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Red face eh, de plant, de plant, what is?

Originally Posted by Mari View Post
In exactly three weeks, the first day of Spring will be here.
WHEW. finally. although i have to admit i enjoyed seeing the snow this year, we had much more than usual. i said seeing, note. not tramping around in it after it had degraded into icy slimy grunge.

My sleep is much out of whack.
I woke up exhausted and sleepy and had to rush to work.
After I drove part way there I realized that I was an hour early!
awwwwwww. that sux. i mean, on the one hand, at least you weren't late. but that's a whole hour of sleep extra that you could have probably used... i hope things improve soon.

this is a beautiful image you posted...

do you happen to know what kind of plant it is? (if not, i will try to find out.)


i am doing... ok. just ok. just barely ok. ok, i confess, i'm freakin' exhausted. mentally & emotionally drained. wasn't even going to check in but botanical curiosity got me. go figure.

OH! i am missing the beginning of Poirot! off i go to drain my brain more in front of television. 2 hours Poirot film (that's if i can gather the wits to follow Agatha Christie plot - yeah, that bad today), and then, if it's not a repeat like last week, Monk.

coffee seems to be failing me.

i can has Zoloft nows? plz?
wut u meen brane haz to gets used to dis furs den we see?
wut we see? in darkness no can sees.
akshully, hehe, kittehs can sees in dark toos!
now, sees der. i prufd points. coz i not senz makes.
iz sef-kontradictionary.

soes, i can has some Zoloft nows? plz?


I too hope everyone is doing as well as possible.

~ waves ~
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