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Old 03-12-2009, 11:42 PM
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Originally Posted by angelrsd View Post
ok if this some sort of virus or other infection type illness for those of us that have been on repeative antibiotics and not seen any improvement or even made symptoms worse. would you guys consider this as not a infection type response to the autonotic system . as for me and my journey with rsd, antibiotics have cure the current or past infections that i have but not helped rsd in any way shape or form. and as far as the cancer is concerned there is techniquly more treatment for that there there is for RSD . but for those of us that know what caused our rsd ,lets say some sort of trauma how would virus or infection play a role into this. as for me i had many injurys before the intial rsd injury and had no problem with healing or carrying on my normal day to day life

as i said this my cheap two cents and thats all

Not necessarily. hugs, Roz