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Old 03-20-2009, 06:32 PM
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Sounds all too familiar.

You know, I would take Baclofen for my daytime muscle relaxer. one to 1 1/2Flexeril at night. Flexeril will make me drowsy of the daytime too. Also OTCs if you can manage on them of the mornings. I do have to switch brands about 8-10 months.

I took Celebrex too and it helped me tremendously. You have cervical neck issues. So double the trouble. I had to take a Nexium 20 minutes before each time I took a Celebrex... if I could wait that long, and then eat a bite or two of something. I Took Celebrex 2 and 3times a day for 6 or 7 years. I would go outside and eat the green grass before I'd take a Celebrex without Nexium and food on my stomach. I used to say "If the next one kills me I have to take this one." Bad times, little buddy. Don't want to remember.

Yogurt helps the stomach irritation and constipation from all the medications and vitamins too.

Water is also a must!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I need it, I'll take 1/2 of a Flexeril in the afternoon and a Darvon 65, especially if I've driven. Helps the arm pain tremendously and may help prevent pain overload and all the bad symptoms from rearing their ugly heads.

Also a little restful relaxation, something soothing to you, for about 30minutes to an hour. Candles, music, low lighting, or no noise and no lights. Positive thinking, meditation or idleness is key here. Not negative thoughts for this time. a few stretches will go a long way here. find some you can do.

And yes, I have found the TOS medical wilderness. Be very cautious. I know TOS is frustrating to providers. Maybe there's just not many good options for TOSers. That's been more my reality in my quest for help.

I've had to depend on good doctoring, medical advice and experience when and where I could find it. I've also had to go outside the box of "normal medical stuff" to find some relief and other comforting things.

Don't give up. You are young.

Keep seaching and trying things to see if you can benefit from our ventures. I wrote a "51 Tips for TOSers" if you can find that. It's not always the most expensive things that can give you relief, but a little relief can go a long way.

A good night's sleep can take care of a lot. A shower or bath before bed is a good start. I would have to medicate more than I was willing to get more than 4 hours sleep. My tired body would thank me for taking whatever it took at that point. I've been hard on me too.

I have manageable complaints right now and I'm very thankful that I've came this far.

I do not regress gracefully. I will not give up. I'll try about anything. I may have to unwillingly lay down, but I'll get back up fighting every time.

If God wanted my attention, he certainly got it with TOS.

my apologies to you all. I don't know why I'm always so long with a post...

Originally Posted by farmgal View Post
Just wanted to introduce myself and possibly get some support/advice from the knowledgeable folks here. I was diagnosed with TOS back in 2005 so I've been lurking here for several years but have never posted before. I've done the Dr shuffle like most of you (started with chiro, then ortho & PT, neuro and now back to ortho again) and I'm getting so frustrated by the lack of knowledge in the medical community. Also frustrated by the fact this condition is likely to force me to find another vocation and means of supporting myself (I've been a software developer for the past 16 years).

Here's my situation. After at least a year of constant neck & shoulder pain and attempts to treat with chiropractic adjustments, I finally went to see an ortho in early 2005 and had a cervical MRI. The MRI showed disc bulges around c5/c6 along with some small bone spurs. This particular doc didn't think the disc bulges & bone spurs were enough to produce the symptoms I was experiencing (pain in neck & under collarbone, felt like butcher knife was lodged between my right shoulder blade & spine, daily tension headaches which were also on the right side, tingling & numbness down right arm and right hand would sometimes feel cold to the touch). He prescribed Mobic & Flexeril but I'm not a big pill person so I resisted initially. Finally, I couldn't take the pain anymore and tried the meds. Mobic didn't seem to do much but the Flexeril definitely helped the muscle spasms. This was my first clue that the problem seemed more muscular in origin.

This ortho also prescribed physical therapy so I tried about three different rounds of this before going back to see him. Some of the therapies helped, like the heat, massage and stretching. Other parts of PT seemed to hurt more than they helped . . . like the strength exercises and the electro-stim (seemed to aggrevate my already touchy nerves). I had also been researching my symptoms on the internet and came across some TOS sites. I mentioned TOS to the ortho at my next appointment and he agreed the symptoms were a good match but this was out of his league. He referred me to Dr. Meyer @ UAB and after waiting several months for an appointment, Dr Meyer diagnosed me w/TOS in late 2005. He basically told me to 'suck it up as long as I can' before considering surgery.

So after 'sucking it up' for a couple of years . . . just taking hot baths and the occasional muscle relaxer to cope, I started getting migraines at least twice a month. So I went to see a neuro that was a headache specialist and told him about the TOS diagnosis. I felt the migraines were related since they were always right sided as was my TOS. The headaches always started in the occiptial area and ended up feeling like someone was squeezing the back side of my right eyeball. After having this headache for several days, it would eventually turn into a full-blown migraine with auras and vomiting. Neuro thought with better pain control for the TOS that maybe the migraines could be reduced. So I walked out with scripts for Phrenelin Forte (for the daily headaches), Flexeril (for muscle spasms) and Imitrex spray (for the migraines). This combo worked well but the Flexeril made me so sleepy I couldn't take it during the day. I could take the Phrenelin without passing out but it was basically a barbituate/tylenol/caffiene combo and I worried about becoming too dependant if I took it daily.

So maybe a year later, I asked neuro doc if I could try something that would address more of the overall TOS pain and not just the headaches. So he swapped the Phrenelin for Tramadol which worked like a dream for another year or so which brings us almost to present day. About 2 months ago I started on a new project which has been extremely stressful. I think the extra stress has just pushed my TOS pain over the top. I started seeing a chiro again and getting massages every two weeks. The chiro also does trigger point injections so I've had many of those in the occipital, scalene, and rib area. I must say that I'm not a fan of needles, but these injections were like heaven . . . about 2 hrs of pure bliss and no pain. It was kind of shocking to remember what 'normal' feels like but it was a very temporary fix.

So here I am today, going back to the original ortho for a new MRI . . . hoping maybe the discs or bone spurs have gotten worse. Maybe that could explain the increased pain but my gut tells me it's the TOS. I have an appt with him on Monday to review the new MRI but the xray he took in his office last week (where my right collarbone was about 1 inch lower than the left) spoke volumes. I'm petrified about surgery . . . I don't really feel that any of the docs I've seen know enough about the condition to be removing my scalene muscle or chopping off my top rib. But I also can't keep scarfing down pain meds for the rest of my life . . . I'm only 36 but feel like I don't have any good options right now.

Anyway, that's pretty much the end of my story so if you made it this far you're a real trooper. Any advice, encouragement, Dr recommendations in the southeast US would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for listening.
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