Thread: Montel on Oprah
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Old 03-22-2009, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by ali12 View Post
We couldn't watch the show but I managed to read up about it on the Ophra website and I too thought that I was sat up on the stage talking about my RSD! Everything that they talked about sounded exactly like what I was experiencing!

I mentioned it to my mum and she looked at the website and thought the same thing. It really makes me wonder if there is a link between RSD and MS as everything sounds so familiar and sometimes I think that I have been mis-diagnosed ... I know I probably haven't but everything just sounds SO familiar!

My nanan had Progressive MS and she dealt with a lot of the same symptoms that I have also. I think it scares my mum and grandad that I have some of the same symptoms and it does me sometimes. We have mentioned it to my Pain Management Doctor before and he just says that I don't have MS and that my mum should stop "scaring" me, even though she isn't! My Doctor gets very frustrated if we talk about MS or any other similar diseases.

When I was diagnosed with RSD, my Doctor never did an MRI of the Brain. The only tests I had were X-Rays, MRI of the foot and blood tests and my doctor said that based on all of those tests, I definitely had RSD. I think MS is still at the back of my mind though, just based on the fact that I have some of the symptoms and there is a family history of it also.

My mum looked on the internet and you can get a private brain MRI done near us for £200. My Doctor refuses to do one on the NHS so that is the only way we would be able to get one. Mum said she was going to see how I went for the next few months and then if things don't start improving, she might consider getting the MRI done just to rule everything else out. I know it would probably come back clear but I think it would maybe just put our minds at rest at least.

I hope everyone is OK!

Do you mind if I PM you some articles?
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