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Old 03-24-2009, 07:27 PM
ras1256 ras1256 is offline
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ras1256 ras1256 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: outside Denver, Colorado
Posts: 366
15 yr Member
Exclamation Try your surgeon for a better response

Since you have surgery scheduled call the surgeons office, tell them what's going on and that you are getting nowhere with you doc. When I had a neck surgery scheduled once, I ended up with a lung infection so I called the neurosurgeon to inform them. He set me up with a pulminologist who did the tests Annie mentioned and followed me right up to surgery - he came in and checked me over one more time before they wheeled me in.

Hope this works for you. He has all kinds of incentive to take you seriously!

Good Luck and get feeling BETTER!

Originally Posted by momma3love View Post
I have not had trouble with my asthma for some time now. So that is not being treated as well. Also hypothyroidism, untreated. Blood tests are coming back normal without meds. I have not had a thorough on the ball doctor in over a year. I recently switched to a highly recommended internist and we really havent had the chance to get past my MG issues.

I did have a chest xray, clear. My O2 is always good when I go in, tho goes down a lil when walking. My heart rate and BP was sky high for me tho. Heart rate really went up when walking. I have had PFTs in past and they always say in ER low but okay. Whatever that means? Never heard of doing those specific ones you listed. I am just sick of going into urgent care or ER and getting told everything is fine.

I went into ER a few months ago with guarantee they would admit me to get migraine vs mestinon issue figured out. Ended up with ER doc that thought he knew more/better than the docs that set it up. So as usual no result.

I have had kidney infections and stones in the past. So this is a big possibility. I dont want to put off surgery! But I should let them know.
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