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Old 03-31-2009, 08:32 AM
copper copper is offline
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copper copper is offline
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Default Thanks Everyone

Originally Posted by vini View Post
hi copper reading back through your posts I see you were having issues with panic attacks anger ect all indicative of ptsd in your job you had to hold it together, but it was a car wreck that injured you (correct me if I am wrong ) it doses,t follow that you have to be in a war or be a victim of an assault,( do you feel the accident was an attempt on your life ? ) it can and could well have been, such a brush with death, can hard wire the fight or flight response into your psyche, hence the mood swing from fear to anger , if you were like me and felt I was 6ft 2 and bullet proof, and was capable of controlled aggression, its a strange place to be, I have huge issues with all aspects of how I got my injury from the people who attacked me to the cops treatment of the case and them moving me with head and neck injury's there failure to get a conviction ect ect ect these feelings are becoming deep seated in me, the longer this effects me and my family, I cant function at the level I once did it just is not there any more, I worked in a life safety , so if I mess up life's could be lost and emergency services effected, also security critical buildings in London, I know its hard to except but you must be fit for the job, the doctors will decide when and if that is

I don.t have the answers ,and work from self analysis but for sure drink an,t the answer your looking for
Thank you to everyone for responding to my post.

I am on Gabapentin, Amyltriptiline, Celexa, Celebrex, and Maxalt when migraines occur.

Strangely enough, and prehaps worth mentioning in this thread, is the fact that i have also had problems with overeating to much since the accident. I should preface this by telling that prior to the accident I was in extraordinary shape physically. I ran marathons and competed at a high level in grappling and martial arts. I was very low bodyfat and maintained a very strict healthy diet easily and was very disciplined in that regard.

Now I seem to have lost my will power and have gained 40 lbs of fat. Any exertion causes my headaches to worsen so my physical activity has gone from 2-3 hrs a day to pretty much zero.

Just explaining this to perhaps shed further light on my drinking 'compulsion'.

i was neuropsych. tested (the full battery) in June which identified attention and memory deficits. I retested last week and am awaiting the results before the brain Injury docs plan my return to work plan.

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